QI Flashcards
all about Qi
5 functions of ZONG QI. (Gathering)
1) Nourishes Heart and Lungs
2) Assists w Lung fx of controlling Qi and respiration and Heart fx of governing blood and blood vessels
3) Is energy of the chest- controls speech and strength of voice
4) Affects and promotes circulation to extremities
5) Is coordinated with Yuan Qi to regulate breathing.
Properties of Gu Qi (4)
- transformed from food into Gu Qi by Spleen
- is the basis of Qi and Blood
- rises to Lungs, mixes w air to form Zong Qi
- rises to Heart, is transformed into Blood by Kidney Qi and Yuan Qi
Functions of Original Qi (6)
1) MOTIVE FORCE - circulates Qi in channels, arouses all fx activity of organs, link between essence (slow, fluid), and Qi (fast-moving)
2) BASIS OF KIDNEY QI- basis for and related to all kidney qi fx; dwells in Gate of Life, between 2 kidneys
3) FACILITATES TRX OF QI- agent of change in transforming Zong Qi into Zhen Qi
4) CONDUIT FOR TRIPLE BURNER - “conductor to move heat”; triple burner= special envoy that makes Yuan Qi separate and differentiate in different forms around body
5) FACILITATES TRX OF BLOOD- facilitates transformation of Gu Qi into Blood in Heart (the yang to transform the yin)
6) COMES OUT AT SOURCE (YUAN) POINTS- originates in Gate of Life, passes through Triple Burner, spreads to organs and channels, stays at Source Points
Zong Qi derives from:
interaction of Gu Qi (from SPLEEN & Stomach) w/ air in Lungs
Gu Qi derives from:
Food rotted and ripened by Stomach; transformed into Gu Qi by Spleen. (still raw form- unusable by body)
Yuan Qi derives from:
Relies on:
Kindey Essence- dynamic, rarefied form of Essence with origin in the Kidneys
*relies on nourishment from Post-Heaven Essence
Weak Zong Qi might manifest as:
Weak circulation; weak voice.
An example of mutual assistance between Kidneys and Lungs, as it realtes to Qi:
Zong Qi flows downwards from Lungs to aid Kidneys; Yuan Qi flows upwards from Kidneys to aid breathing.
The two forms of Zhen Qi/True Qi are:
Defensive (Wei) Qi and Nutritive (Ying) Qi.
Zhen Qi is:
- final stage in refinement and transformation of Qi
- the Qi that circulates in the channels & nourishes organs
- originates from Zong Qi in Lungs
Zhen Qi originates from:
Zong Qi, in the Lungs
What are the main qualities and functions of Ying Qi?
- more refined aspect of True Qi (Zhen Qi)
- interior- nourishes internal organs
- closely linked to Blood; flows with it in blood vessels
- also flows in channels; it is the qi activated when needling
- is the basis for the immune system- “the supply lines/reserves” (Zach quotes)
“Nutritive Qi is extracted from food & water, regulates the 5 Yin organs, moistens the 6 Yang organs, enters the blood vessels, circulates in the channels, is linked to Yin organs and connects to Yang organs.”
Which Qi are you accessing when needling?
Ying Qi / Nutritive Qi
What are the mains functions of Wei Qi?
- protects from exterior pathogens (cold, heat, wind, dampness)
- warms, moistens, partly nourishes skin & muscles
- under control of Lungs, it opens and closes pores (sweat; temperature regulation)
- “immune system; first (few) lines of defense” (Zach quotes)
What are the qualities of Wei Qi?
- courser aspect of Zhen Qi than Ying Qi
- circulates on outer layers/ exterior; diffused under skin
- does not enter channels
- circulates 50 times in 24 hours (25 day; 25 night)
Describe how Lungs and Wei Qi interact to control sweating
Lungs diffuse fluids to skin and muscles, where it mixes with Wei Qi, which controls the opening and closing of pores (holds). If Wei Qi is weak, it won’t hold it in = excess sweat.
What determines the strength of Wei Qi?
Lung Qi; Kindey Yang.
ROOTED in Lower Burner (Kidneys); NOURISHED by Middle Burner (Stomach and Spleen); SPREAD OUTWARD in Upper Burner (Lungs).
Explain the daily circulation of Wei Qi:
- circulates exterior of body 25 times per day in Yang superficial channels
- circulates Yin organs 25 times per night (KD, HT, LU, LR, SP)
- flow from interior to exterior, emerging at inner corner of eyes- this is what open eyes and wakes us up in the morning
ZHONG QI / Central Qi (“middle/center” burner) refers to:
1) another way of defining the Qi of the ST and SP, or the Port-Heaven Qi derived from food)
2) SP fx of transportation and transformation (also the True Qi of ST and SP)
3) also implies SP fx of raising Qi (condition of sinking SP-Qi is often referred to as deficiency of zhong/central qi)
What is Zheng Qi / Upright Qi?
-the various types of Qi that have fx of protecting body from invasion by exterior pathogenic factors
1) Wei QI
2) Ying Qi
3) Kidney Essence/ Jing
^ all play role in defense against pathogenic factor.
*Usually used in relation/contrast to “pathogenic factor” (zheng qi v. xie qi)
What are the functions of Qi? (6)
1) Transforming
2) Transporting
3) Holding
4) Raising
5) Protecting
6) Warming
Explain Qi fx of Transforming
Qi is yang in nature, and it powers the transformation of food & fluid (yin in nature) into 2 parts: 1) clear yang, 2) turbid yin.
Then, transformed into Gi Qi; transformed into Zhen Qi.
Ex: ST Qi rots & ripens food
SP Qi transforms that food into Gu Qi
KD Qi transforms fluids
BL Qi transforms urine
HT Qi transformed Gu Qi into Blood (w/ Yuan Qi and Kidney Essence/ Jin)
LU Qi transforms air and Gu Qi into Zhen Qi
Explain Qi fx of Transporting
Qi Mechanism/ Qi Ji (movements of qi in body) transports substances/ forms of Qi in and out of various structures
Explain Qi fx of Holding
Qi (yang) holds Blood and fluids (yin) in proper places.
SP qi holds Blood in vessels
SP&KD qi hold Blood in uterine vessels
KD&BL qi hold urine
LU qi holds sweat (w/ Wei Qi/ chest qi)
Explain Qi fx of Raising
- ensures body structures are held in proper place, i.e. not sinking
- in pathogenic conditions involving leakage of mucus/Blood, it is both holding fx & raising fx at fault
SP qi raises organs in general
KD qi raises uterus
Explain Qi fx of Protecting
- Wei Qi protects from pathogenic factors (cold, damp, heat, wind); opens and closes pores under control of Lungs; immune system- like first few lines of defense.
- Ying Qi is the yin basis for the immune system (supply lines/ reserves); nourishment basis.
- Kidney Essence/ Jing (somehow… I SUPPOSE b/c Yuan Qi is necessary for production of Zhen Qi (wei and ying qi) and Blood- which flows w Ying Qi in the blood vessels)
Explain Qi fx of Warming
fx of yang qi
- warmth is needed to transform, transport, excrete
- especially crucial for fluids (yin in nature)
What is the source of YANG and WARMTH in body?
Kidney Yang and the Minister Fire (arising from the Kidneys).
*and Spleen Yang, which derives its warmth from Kidney Yang
What is the Qi Mechanism/ Qi Ji?
The 4 movements of qi (ascending, descending, entering, exiting) that all processes depend on.
“Like traffic regulated with one-way streets.”
- crucial for balance and proper function
What Qi movements are linked with Yang?
What Qi movements are linked with Yin?
What happens when the Qi mechanism is disrupted?
Qi stagnation
Qi rebellion
Describe the directions of movement of Lung Qi?
- Lung-Qi descends towards Kidneys, and Bladder.
- Lung Qi ascends to diffuse Wei Qi and sweat to the space between skin and muscles
- Lung-Qi regulates entering and exiting of Qi from space between skin and muscles
What happens when Lung-Qi fails to descend?
Breathlessness or cough- Lung Qi controls exhalation & descends Qi to Kidneys, which control inhalation; rebellious Lung-Qi can manifest as cough.
Describe the relative location and qi movements of Lungs and Liver (in terms of energy- not anatomy)
Liver is on the left side; Liver-Qi ascends like the rising sun (yang, east).
Lung is on the right side; Lung Qi descends like the setting sun. (yin, west).
Describe the Direction of Qi movement of the Liver
- controls smooth flow of Qi in all directions
- assists all other organs to channel their Qi in right directions
Describe the Qi movement of Kidneys.
- ascends and descends; enters and exits
- ## controls transformation of Water, descends impure fluids, ascends clear parts of fluids up spine (as vapour into lungs)
What organs control inhalation and exhalation?
“Exhalation is controlled by Lungs and Heart, inhalation is controlled by Kidneys and Liver.” - Classic of Difficulties
Describe the relationship of Kidneys and Lung in terms of Qi.
“The Lungs govern Qi, the Kidneys are the root of Qi.”
Lungs descend Qi to Kidneys, Kidneys receive & ascend Qi to Lungs. (exhale, inhale)
Describe Qi movements of Spleen-Stomach.
- Spleen send Qi upwards to Lungs and Heart (transforming- ascending)
- Stomach sends (impure) Qi downwards (receiving- descending)
Describe the Qi movements of Hear-Kidneys.
Heart-Qi descends to meet with Kidney Qi, which ascends.
Heart-Fire flows downwards to meet Water of the Kidneys, Kidney-Water rises to meet Heart-Fire.
What are the pathologies of Qi? (4)
1) Qi deficiency
(often due to overwork/ dietary irregularity- most often affects ST, SP, LU, KD)
2) Qi sinking
(cause prolapse of organs- mostly applies to SP and KD)
3) Qi stagnation
(fails in movement- mostly applies to LR, but also LU and Intestines)
4) Qi rebellion
(flowing in wrong direction)
What does the character for Qi respresent?
(uncooked) rice; vapour/steam/gas
- indicates both material and immaterial
- indicates subtle deriving from course
The two aspects of Qi that are especially revelant to medicine:
1) Qi is in a constant state of flux- varying states of aggregation (condensed/dispersed)
2) Qi is an energy which manifests simultaneously on physical and emotional-mental-spiritual level.
Term “Qi” is used in 2 major ways in medicine:
1) refined energy produced by organs
2) the functional activity of any organ/ the complex of its activities