QA and basic statistics Flashcards
Define sensitivity and specificity
Sensitivity: measurement of the rate of positive tests in patients who HAVE the condition
SN=true positives/true positives+false negs
- a negative result in a highly sensitive test rules out the condition
Specificity: measurement of the rate of negatives in patients who do not have the condition
SP=true negatives/true negatives+false positives
- a positive result in a highly specific test means the condition is present
Define positive and negative predictive value
- PPV: ability of a test to identify true positives among many positive tests
- NPV: ability of a test to identify true negatives among many negative tests
Make a table illustrating sensitivity specificity PPV NPV

Define proficiency testing
- Proficiency testing is a procedure for evaluating unknown specimens by pathologists or by a lab test, in which the results are retained and compared to a reference standard and to other participating laboratories
What quality assurance procedures can be used in surgical pathology?
- Preanalytical: monitor speimen delivery timeliness, monitor adequacy of clinical history, monitor specimen identification errors & lost specimens, monitor errors in accession, fixation
- Analytical: Monitor errors in grossing, dictation, cutting, staining;
prospective: perform intradepartmental consultations, convene consensus conferences
retrospective: comparte frozen section/permanent section correlation, review cytology-histology correlation, perform random case reviews, perform targetted organ system reviews, convene intradepartmental and multidiscipline conferences, perform interinstitutional reviews - post-analytical: monitor turnaround time, review report quality, use of synoptic reporting, review addendum reports, review record keeping, storage, review ammended reports
How would you establish a quality assurance program in anatomical pathology?
- Establish a quality assurance committee including a medical leader, technical managers and quality assurance coordinators
- Develop a quality assurance plan based on the CAP standards; structure plan based on pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical timepoints
- Convene regular comittee meetings to review, monitor and evaluate various aspects of the laboratory service as detailed aboe to ensure standards are being met
- Identify quality improvement opportunities and manage unexpected events
What are universal precautions in laboratories?
- Universal precautions are a standard set of equipment and protective procedures designed to protect the individual from harm; apply to semen, human tissue, CSF, synovial fluid, pleural/peritoneal/pericardial/amniotic fluid
- Routine use of appropriate barrier precautions: gloves, aprons, masks, protective eyewear to prevent skin and mucous membrane exposure to blood/body fluids
- Workers should wash their hands immediately and thouroughly if contaminated with blood or other fluids
- Workers should change their gloves and wash their hands after completing specimen processing
- Workers should take precautions to prevent injuries caused by needles, scalpels, other sharp instruments during procedures
- Workers should place sharps in designated containers
- Workers should use biologic safety cabinets for procedures generating droplets
- Never use mouth for pipetting
- Should decontaminate after spills and equipment after use
- Should wash their hands/remove protective equipment before leaivng lab
- consult CDC, provincial and national guidelines
A surgeon approaches you because he disagrees with a diagnosis your colleague made. Describe next steps.
- Get more information as to what the disagreement entails and reasons for not approaching colleage
- review case, pull slides/blocks, contact colleage and review
- if there is a change in diagnosis, work with colleage to issue addendum
- Clarify with the surgeon if he wants more cases reviewed, meet with lab director
- If you realize your colleague is making many errors, contact lab director
- if colleague refuses to get remedial training, document carefully and remain in contact with lab director and provincial college