Q9$ Flashcards
65 yo found unresponsive in barn with hypertension, bradycardia and irregular respirations . Fixed pupils and extensor posturing of extremities
Brain Herniation (central
- hypertension, bradycardia and irregular respirations .(Cushing triad)
Complication of delirium
Cognitive decline
Outcome of small vs large vsd
Small - spontaneously resolves by age 2
Large- diuretics and surgery due to symptoms of heart failure
Management of pityriasis roses
Spontaneously resolves or May give symptomatic relief of itching
NBSIM for PCP agitation vs no agitation
Benzos (supportive if no agitation)
Hypertension , tachycardia, multidirectional nystagmus
2 yo . 8 days ago had fever, an pain vomiting and watery diarrhea’s. GI symptoms subsided in 3 days but fever persists. Injected sclera and dry red cracked lips , perineal erythema and macular rash
Labs: platelets 540,000 and inc wbc
UA: WHC- 40 and no bacteria
IVIG - Kawasaki
- fever >5 days plus 4
- nonspecific GI or resp symptoms precede Kawasaki findings
- sterile pyuria- urinary wbc without bacteria
43 yo man with progressive erectile dysfunction over past year . Fatigue , brownish skin pigmentation especially on face an arms.
AST 78
Alt 80
Fasting glu 130
Increased risk of developing which complications
MSk3 arthealgia chondroxalcinosis
Endocrine- hypothyroidism and secondary hypogonadism ; DM
GI: elevated hepatic enzymes with hepatomegaly early and cirrhosis (.
Infections- listeria, vibrio vulnificus and testeros enterocolitis
Cardiac- restrictive of dCM
Dx: genetic analysis of Hfe mutations
Tx: serial phlebotomy
Bypass surgery 2 years old now has muscle and joint pain with low calcium and high alk phos
Nbsi evaluation
Measure 25 hydroxyvitamin d level
Osteomalacia- due to vitamin d deficiency
- malabsorption, intestinal bypass surgery, celiac , chronic liver disease , CKD
- labs low calcium and phosphorous high pth (secondary hyperparathyroidism
68 yo female with born tender groin mass below inguinal ligament and medial to the right femoral artery worsens with standing coughing and valsAlva and improves when laying down. Mass is tympanic to percussion
Elective surgical repair (due to risk of incarceration and strangulation)
- femoral
Mass is tympanic to percussion( bowel is in the hernia
Post mi patient has MDD
Sertraline (low drug - drug interactions)
Not citalopram (qt prolongation dose dependent
NBSIM for crepitues in left clavicular bone of a 5 hour old baby
Confirm with X-RAY then Reassurance and gentle handling (heals on 7-10 days)
Complication of vacuum assisted birth
Clavicular fracture
Cwphalohematoma (no suture crossing
Postpartum management
Target bc levels
1st diet
2nd insulin, glyburide , Metformin
Screening 24-28 weeks
1hr 50g gct
3hr 100 g Gct
Target BG levels
Fasting <965
1hour postprandial -<140
2 hour <120
Postpartum management
Fasting glu at 24-72hour
2gr 75 GTt at6-12 week visit
Management of uterine atony once oxytocin and massages doesn’t work
Tranexamic acid
Greenstock fractire (one one side of bone affected). Possible complication