? Flashcards
Temporal arteeiris
- what vessels are involved (+ symptoms)
- diagnostic ( beware of something)
- treatment
- temporal artery (headache), opthalmic artery (vision problems), jaw claudication plus poly myalgia rheumatica (Fever joint and muscle pain
- biopsy the vessel (but if negative still can’t tule out because affects only certain parts of the carotid arteries
Tx: steroids
- vessels affected (+ symptoms)
- treatment
Aortic branches (brachial, radial, ulnar) visual and neurologic disturbances with low upper extremities pulse
- Tx: steroids
- vessels affected (+symptoms )
- spares what organ
Necrotizing vascultiis affecting mesenteric artery ( abdominal pain), renal (HTN) neurological , skin lesions
- abdominal pain and peripheral neuropathy
Spares lungs
Steroids and cyclophosphamide according to pathoma
- symptoms
- treatment
Heart, asthma , neuropathy
Steroids and cyclophosphamide
Renal disorder in Wegner
Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis
IGA nephropathy
- pathophysiology
- symptoms
- treatment
Viral URI caused IGA to be deposited in blood vessel and kidney
- gib, IGA nephropathy, swollen scrotum, abdominal pain , purpura on legs and/ or burr
-Tx: self limited
Aortic dissection
- cause
- presentation
- treatment
- common complication
- HYPERTENSION weakened the t. Media
- severe sudden onset chest pain, widen mediastinum and left pleural effusion
- MCCOD : pericardial tamponade
- Dx: stable do ct angiogram with contrast and if unstable do TEE
- Tx: Type a (BB and surgery ; it can involve asc and desc) type B (BB)
- complication - hoarseness bc left recurrent laryngeal nerve is right by the aortic arch
Thoracic aneurysm
- pathophysiology (MCC)
- most common complication
Tertiary syphilis weakened the t media
Aortic dilation
- cause
- presentation.
Atherosclerois ( thickens the intima therefore blood can’t flow into the vessel causing weakness
- hypotension ? Pulsátiles mass bc blood flowing through , flank pain
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
- how does it present
- positive for
Cervical lymph node involvement
Tb spreads where (+ most common)
Meninges causing meningitis, vertebrae (Potts disease, cervical lump nodes and Mc Is kidney causing sterile pyuria
Homozygote A1AT complications
Emphysema with liver cirrhosis
Sarcoidosis symptoms
Uveitis, sjorgren features, erythema nososun
Lung cancer
- complication
- likes to metastasize where
Recurrent latrngeal nerve (hoarseness) and phrenic (diaphragm paralysis
Common complication of mesothelioma
Recurrent pleural effusions
FAS associated with what CHD
Fixed split S2
Maternal diabetes associated with what CHD
Transposition of great vessels
Acute rheumatic fever
- which valve is most commonly involved
- treatment
Tx: nsaid and penicillin such as macrolide
Chronic rheumatic disease
- complication
- affects what valve
Infectious endocarditis
MS always and maybe AS
Systolic ejection click followed by crescendo descreído murmur
Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia bc of the calcifications crushing the RBC
Early blowing diastolic murmur
Bounding pulse, pulsating nail bed and head bobbing
Midsystolic click followed by regurgitation
Opening snap followed by diastolic rumble
Holosystolic blowing murmur
Behcet presentation
Genital ulcers, apthous ulcer, uveitis after viral infection
Complication of mumps
Sterility if happens on teens
Complication of esophageal web
Esophageal squamous cell cancer
MCCOD in cirrhosis
Rupture esophageal varices