Q3- Managing Change Flashcards
Why can there be a need for change?
-> external (pressures within the industry or business environment)
-> internal (new management, operating conditions)
-> anticipation of future problems
-> natural process of ageing
Objectives of planned change:
- improve operational effectiveness
- Improve the ability of the organisation to cope with changes in its environment
- Modify the behavioural patterns of members
Lewin’s three stage model- the ice cube model diagram
look at diagram in notes
-> understand and recognise the need for change to stop existing behaviour
- Communication
- Participation
- Create urgency
-> change behaviour/attitude and implement and support throughout
- Education & training
- Incremental milestones
- Create a new ‘norm’
-> new behaviour (reinforce new ways and embed change)
- Monitoring & feedback
- Rewards
- Share success
Reactions to change:
- Acceptance -> enthusiastic support -> co operation
- Indifference -> resignation -> apathy -> follow orders
- Passive resistance -> regressive behaviour -> work to rule
- Active resistance -> do as little as possible -> deliberate sabotage
Why do people resist change?
-state relevant model
- Emotional reasons
- Rational reasons
- Parochial self-interest
- Low tolerance
- Different assessment of the need for change
-> Kotter & Schlesinger
Emotional reasons…
-> feel less valued, loss of status
-> implied criticism
-> changing relationships
-> question own capacity
-> dislike/mistrust of those implementing change
Rational reasons
-> job security
-> change of job content
-> reduced pay
-> need retraining
Parochial self interest
-> things will be worse off for me
-> inadequate information
-> mistrust or dislike of those initating change
Low tolerance
-> value habits and stability
-> risk averse
Different assessments of the need for change
-> disagree on reasons for change and the perceived advantages
-> believe management do not have all the facts
Methods to overcoming resistance to change:
-name relevant model
- Education and communication
- Participation and involvement
- Facilitation and support
- Negotiation and agreement
- Manipulation and co-operation
- Power/coercion
-> Kotter & Schlesinger
Education and communication
-> where there is a lack of info or inaccurate info and analysis
ADV= once persuaded, people will often help with the implementation of the change
DIS= can be very time consuming if lots of people are involved
Participation and involvement
-> where initiators do not have all the info they need to design the change, and where others have considerable power to resist
ADV= people who participate will be committed to implementing change, and any relevant info they have will be integrated into the plan
DIS= can be very time consuming if participants design an inappropriate change
Facilitation and support
-> where people are resisting because of adjustment problems
ADV= no other approach works as well with adjustment problems
DIS= can be very time consuming, expensive, and still fail
Negotiation and agreement
-> where someone or some group will clearly lose out in a change, and where that group has considerable power to resist
ADV= sometimes it is a relatively easy way to avoid major resistance
DIS= can be too expensive in many cases if it alerts others to negotiate for compliance
Manipulation and co operation
-> where other tactics will not work or are too expensive
ADV= it can be a relatively quick and inexpensive solution to resistance problems
DIS= can lead to future problems if people feel manipulated
Explicit and implicit coercion
-> where speed is essential, and the change initiators posses considerable powers
ADV= it is speedy and can overcome any kind of resistance
DIS= can be risky if it leaves people mad at the initators