Q2 L2: base sa reviewer from ma'am(quiz 2) (FINALS PT.2) Flashcards
believed that one’s physical body and soul are separable entities.
believed that the soul and body are one thing and are inseparable.
declared the Unmoved Mover and First Cause are proofs that God exists.
Saint Thomas Aquinas
pioneered the “Cartesian Method” which explored the value of thinking and the primacy of the mind.
Rene Descartes
dismissed the claim that one’s emotion legitimizes the moral worth of an act.
Immanuel Kant
rational will is the imperative basis of moral worth.
Immanuel Kant
is the first existentialist thinker.
Soren Kierkegaard
the human person tends to plunge oneself for a long in hedonistic lure.
Soren Kierkegaard
sternly rejects Christianity as a pragmatic ground of morality.
Friedrich Nietzsche
believed that man must not premise itself on the reward system of God but on the consequential givenness of life such as responsibility and authenticity.
Friedrich Nietzsche
radically departed from the concept of dualism.
Edmund Husserl
strongly asserted that reality must be grounded on the “phenomena” of experience.
Edmund Husserl
was a harsh critique of “Cartesian Thinking” and emphasized the concreteness of life.
Gabriel Marcel
is the first known self-professed thinker to declare himself an existentialist atheist.
Jean-Paul Sartre
philosophical attitude spins on the authenticity of being responsible for self and others.
Jean-Paul Sartre
A structure with rooms, kitchen, bathroom, and dining room.
Primary reflection
It is more than a place, it is where individuals regard one another as family sharing love, happiness, sadness, supporting, and helping each other.
Secondary reflection
An animal that barks and has four legs.
Primary reflection
A man’s best friend.
Secondary reflection
Water droplets from clouds through the natural process of condensation and precipitation.
Primary reflection
A curse to the destruction of mankind and a blessing to thirsty animals and dry farms.
Secondary reflection
/not a question/
Primary Reflection is to reflect objectively. One breaks and perceives the parts. Secondary Reflection is to reflect subjectively. One ponders on the meaning and purpose.
I was born a leader.
Romans and Greeks are savage barbarians.
Whites are racists.
I attend vocational schools to enhance other skills.
I watch YouTube tutorials to learn how to cook kare-kareng seafood.
My husband and I are destined to meet and marry.
The French are romantic.
Filipinos are resilient.
I was destined to meet you.
My family is a horde of carpenters, so I am going to be a carpenter.
I am responsible for my own actions.
I choose friends of good influence.
A retired soldier saved a dying dog.
I chose a career in Canada so I can bring my family abroad.
I follow traffic lights and signs.
is a philosophical concept that asserts no divine laws define human life. There is no pre-determined meaning of life unless we make our own life or determine it according to how we live our lives.
Human existence precedes purpose
is a philosophical concept that emphasizes human essence, meaning, or purpose of life as inherent, unchanging, and pre-determined.
Purpose precedes human existence.
“Freedom is not about following one’s passions or submitting to one’s inclination but rather controlling them”
Immanuel Kant
“Man is born free, but is everywhere in chains”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
“Individuals who live in a civil society never really feel the implementation of equality and individual freedom assured to them”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
“Exercising freedom on behalf of someone else’s ‘real self’ is a dishonorable act or moral pretense”
Isaiah Berlin
“The true freedom that deserves the name is one that pursues our own good in our way, so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs or impede their effort to obtain it”
John Stuart Mill
“An action without goodwill does not qualify as good”
Immanuel Kant
“The kind of problems we create in a society reflects much on how we cannot handle the insatiable desires or needs that we have”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
“Self-realization is not accomplished by an act of thinking alone”
Erich Fromm
“Genuine freedom is being responsible for the decisions and actions that we make”
Jean-Paul Sartre
“Freedom is not presented to anyone or bestowed by anyone by a perfect being”
Jean-Paul Sartre
Thales, Anaximander, and Anaximenes of Miletus
ancient philosophers
Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle
3 greatest natural thinkers
Saint Augustine of Hippo and Saint Thomas Aquinas are
medieval philosophers
. René Descartes, Immanuel Kant, and Soren Kierkegaard
modern philosophers
Friedrich Nietzsche, Gabriel Marcel, and Jean-Paul Sartre
contemporary philosophers
A premise where individuals create beginnings for a brighter future and meaningful life.
Secondary Reflection
A building with classrooms, faculties, restrooms, libraries, gymnasiums, etc.
Primary Reflection
An expression of love, joy, pleasure, friendship, and purity.
Secondary Reflection
It is the primary reproductive organ in Angiosperms.
Primary Reflection
A reflection of self-healing, nature, wisdom, and spiritual power.
Secondary Reflection
An object formed by short and long intersecting lines or pieces.
Primary Reflection
graduation cap
A horizontal square board with skullcap and tassel.
Primary Reflection
graduation cap
A recognition of scholarship freedom.
Secondary Reflection