Q 5: Femoral Triangle, thigh/ legs OINA's and sensory distribution Flashcards
- These cards have all of the thigh slide - make another slide with the extra stuff that is not AION and N for the leg (ended these notes at S:30
Femoral sheath wraps around which structures
femoral artery
femoral vein
Origin of the great saphenous N
Femoral N
The saphenous N pierces what muscle
Sartorious N
The saphenous N runs with _____V
great saphenous V
Vertebral level of the femoral N
Origin of the femoral N
Lumbar plexus
M that the femoral N pierces
psoas Major
Origin of the femoral artery
External iliac artery
at the inguinal lig
The femoral artery exits the hiatus as the ___A
popiteal artery
Femoral vein drains into the ____V
external iliac vein
contributaries that drain into the femoral V
popiteal V
profunda femoris
great saphenous V
Boundaries of the femoral triangle
inguinal lig
sartorius M
adductor longus M
The adductor hiatus opening is in the ____M
adductor magnus
adductor canal aka _______ canal
The saphenous N runs with the ____ V
great saphenous V
Where does the subsartorius canal begin ?
at the apex of the femoral triangle
Where sartorius and adductor longus meet
saphenous N gives sensory for ____ compartment
medial compartment of the leg
Major action of the anterior compatment of the thigh
primary: extension of the knee
flexion of the hip
Chief flexor of the thigh
combo of psoas and iliacus
When psoas major is in closed pack position its action is _______
flexion of the trunk
N and vertebral level of psoas major
VR Lumbar (L1,2,3)
Action of the sartorius
at thigh: flex, abd., ER
at knee: flexes leg
What two muscle that are located within the anterior compartment are innervated by VR lumbar (L1,2,3)
Psoas Major
Psoas Minor
N that innervates most of the anterior compartment
femoral N
Action of the quad. muscles
extends the leg at the knee joint
Muscles in the medial compartment of the thigh
adductor longus adductor brevis adductor magnus gracilis obturator externus
Primary action of the TFL
Primary: flex thigh
- abduct
- IR
Vertebral level of the obturator N
(2) nerves that innervate the adductor Magnus
Obturator N
Tibial division of the sciatic N
Action of the gracilis
adducts thigh
flexes leg
Action of the obturator externus
All M of the medial compartment are innervated by the _____N
obturator N
What is a composite muscle
a muscle that gets more then 1 nerve innervation
M of the posterior compartment of the thigh
bicep femoris (long & short head)
Muscles that have their insertion on the pes anserinus
SGT. Pes
Innervation of the bicep femoris
long head- tibial division of sciatic
short head- common fibular
Level of femoral N
Level of sciatic N
Level of Obturator N
Level of superior glut n
Insertion of ITB
gerdies tubercle
Actions that preform pronation
Actions of supination
plantar flexion
___V drains the thigh, leg and foot
great saphenous V
M of the anterior compartment of the leg
tibialis anterior
extensor digitorum longus
extensor hallicus long
fibularis tertius
Action of the tibialis anterior
invert foot
What M holds up the medial longitudinal arch
tibialis anterior
Action of extensor digitorum longus
extends toes
dorsiflex foot
Actions of extensor hallicus longus
extends big toe
dorsiflex foot
Action of the fibularis tertius
evert foot
N to the anterior compartment of the leg
deep “fibular’ peroneal
accompanied by ant. tib Art
The deep fibular N arises btw the _____M and ___
fibularis longus M
neck of fibula
Nerve level of the common peroneal
tibial N L4-S3
N of the lateral compartmnt of the lieg
superficial fibular N (L5,S1&2)
_____N supplies the skin on the distal part of the anterior surface of the leg, dorsum of the foot, and digits
superficial fibular N
M of the posterior compartment of the leg
Action of the M of the lateral compartment of the leg
foot eversion
weak plantar flexion
(fibularis longus & brevis)
Action of plantaris
assists gastroc
Name the (4) deep muscles of the leg
flexor digitorum longus
flexor hallucis longus
tibialis posterior
innervation of the posterior compartment
tibial N
____M supports the longitudinal arch of the foot
flexor digitorum longus
flexor hallicus longus
(tibialis anterior holds it up)
c.c. flat foot ____ : _____bone fell down
pes plantus
level of the tibial N
the tibial N descends through the middle of the ______, posterior to the _____ vessels
popiteal fossa
popiteal vessels