Glut Region Muscles & Bone landmarks Q 4 (outline from glut lab) Flashcards
(outline from Glut lab) Landmarks Components GLuteal Region M GLuteal Regin N Vascular supply
N to U.M quadrant of the Butt
Superior cluneal L1-L3
Middle Cluneal S1-S3
N to the L.M quadrant of the Butt
Posterior Femoral Cutaneous N S1-S3
N to the L.L. quadrant of the butt
Lateral femoral Cutneous L2,3
N to the U.L. quadrant of the butt
Iliohypogastric L1
O & I of glut max
O: Sacrum to post. gluteal Line
Sacral Tuberous lig
I: Iliotibial Tract
Gluteal Tuberosity
Action of glut max
Glut Med O & I
O: Btw ant. and post. gluteal line on ilium
I: Lateral surface of the greater trochanter (more posterior part of it)
Action of the Glut med
Glut max N
Inf gluteal N (L5,S1,S2)
Glut med N
sup gluteal N (L5,S1)
Muscles innervated by the superior gluteal N
Glut med
Glut Min
Tensor of fascia
O & I tensor of fascia
Sacrotuberous lig
I: Iliotibial Tract - attaches to lateral condyle of tibia
Glut med, Glut min & tensor of fascia action
Abduction & IR of thigh
O & I of piriformis
O: Anterior surface of the sacrum, sacrotuberous lig
I: Sup. border of the greater trochanter
Glut min O & I
O: Ilium btw the ant & Inf glut line
I: Anterior surface of the greater trochanter
Obturator internus O & I
O: Obturator membrane
I: Medial surface of the greater trochanter
Sup/ Inf. gemelli O &I
Sup- Ischial Spine
Inf- ischial tuberosity
I: Medial surface of the greater trochanter
Action of Piriformis, obturator, and sup/inf gemelli
ER of extended thigh
abduction of flexed thigh
Piriformis N
Superior gemelli & Obturator internus N
N to the obturator internus (L5,S1)
Inf gemelli & quadratus N
N to the quadratus Femoris (L5,S1)
O & I obturator internus
O: Lateral border of the ischial tuberosity
I: Intertrochanter crest (posterior side)
Action of the obturator Internus
ER of thigh
Superior glut N innervation?
What level?
Glut Med
Glut Min
Tensor Fascia Lata
Inf glut N innervation
What level?
GLut Max
Sciatic N Level
nerves that come off of the sciatic N
Tibial Common fibular (peroneal)
Pudential N Level
VR S2,S3,S4
“keeps the ding dong off the floor”
The sup. glut artery divides into the __ & ___ branches
superficial and deep superior gluteal artery
Superficial branch of the superior glut art supplies the _____
glut max
Deep branch of the superior glut artery supplies (3) structures
glut med
Glut min
Tensor fasciae latae
Inferior glut artery supplies blood to (4)
Glut max
obturator internus
quad femoris
superior part of hamstrings
Internal pudendal artery Supplies ____
M in perineal region
(does not supply glut region)