PY. Ch.11 Flashcards
Research in behavioral genetics has shown that the family environment shared by children growing up together has
little impact on personality.
About what percentage of your personality traits come from inherited genes?
Personality traits such as Leadership, traditionalism, and obedience to authority have been found to be mostly determined by heredity
The need to achieve, including ambition, and an inclination to work hard towards goals is genetically influenced, but more than half of this trait seems to be determined by
life experience
I enjoy social gatherings/outings with friends, and she enjoys more time at home with just her husband, she doesn’t go out much and is quite content to just stay home and watch TV all weekend which depends on situations
Prone to anxiety, worry, guilt, impulsivity, and emotional instability is high or low in what? Have a more negative outlook on life
high in Neuroticism
relaxed, calm, secure, and emotionally stable high or low in what?
low in Neuroticism
Outgoing, friendly, enthusiastic, fun-loving/People high in extroversion have a positive outlook on life
high in extroversion
solitary, shy, serious,
low in extroversion
Imaginative, curious, intellectual, open to nontraditional values
high in openess
conforming, practical, conventional (likes doing things the same way always
done, very traditional)
low in openness
Sensitive, warm, tolerant, easy to get along with, concerned with other’s
feelings and needs
high in Agreeableness
cold, suspicious, hostile, or callous
low in agreeableness
Reliable, responsible, self-disciplined, ethical, hard working, ambitious
high in Conscientiousness
disorganized, unreliable, lax, impulsive, careless
low in conscientiousness
Freud believed our personalities
were shaped by our childhood
experiences. He also believed that if
a child’s needs are not met or are
overindulged at one particular
psychosexual stage, that the child
may become
under stress, individuals supposedly
may return (or …… to a stage at
which earlier needs were frustrated
or overly gratified.
behaviors such as
smoking, alcohol use, nail
biting; dependency; passivity;
anxiety derived from severe
toilet training could evolve into
anxiety about sexual activities
later in life.
Homosexuality; resentment
of authority figures in men;
unresolved penis envy in women
None (focus on play and
school activities)