Py 14 Flashcards
Five Common Myths/Stereotypes about Mental Illness
People with psychological disorders act in bizarre ways and are very different from normal people.
(2)Mental disorders are a sign of personal weakness.
(3)Mentally ill people are often dangerous and unpredictable.
(4)A person who has been mentally ill never fully recovers.
(5)Most mentally ill individuals can work at only low-level jobs.
looks at the combined influence of genetics and stressful events on the development of psychological disorders.
Diathesis-Stress model
Unconscious conflicts and motives underlying abnormal behavior
Psychanalytic model
Learning experiences that shape the development of abnormal behavior
Behavioral model
Roadblocks to self-awareness and self-acceptance – encountering obstacles on the road to personal growth
Humanistic model
Faulty thinking (irrational or distorted thinking) underlying abnormal behavior
Cognitive model
says that a behavior may be considered abnormal if it occurs rarely or infrequently in relation to the behaviors of the general population
Statistical frequency approach
behavior is considered abnormal if it deviates or interferes greatly from accepted social standards, values, or norms-perhaps behavior is unusual
Social Deviance
a behavior is psychologically damaging or abnormal if it interferes with the individual’s ability to function in one’s personal life or in society
Maladaptive behavior approach
50% of all lifetime mental disorders begin by age
75% begin develop mental disorders by age
what % of mental disorders begin because of alcohol and drug use
About 60% of people with a lifetime mental disorder …. any professional treatment.
do not ask for nor receive
outdated term for disorders characterized by unrealistic anxiety and other associated problems; less severe disruptions than psychosis
serious mental disorders characterized by extreme mental disruption and defective or lost contact with reality
legal term applied when people cannot be held responsible for their actions, or are judged incompetent to manage their own affairs, because of mental illness
the simultaneous presence of two or more diseases or medical conditions in a patient
contribute to the development of mental disorders. These are unlearned or inherited tendencies that influence how a person thinks, behaves, and feels
Genetic factors
such as having an overactive brain structure that contributes to the development of a mental disorder by causing a person to see the world in a biased or distorted way and to see threats when none really exist.
Neurological factors,
can contribute to abnormal behavior.
Imbalances in Neurotransmitters
is the most common of the Pervasive Developmental Disorders, affecting an estimated 1 in 250 births. As many as 1.5 million Americans today are believed to have some form of
The most consistent finding regarding the etiology of autism is that children with autism have more
neurons in the prefrontal cortex than non-autistic children.
are marked by disruptions in memory, consciousness, or identity. Results from avoidance of painful memories or situations.
•Need to escape from anxiety
Dissociative disorders
Multiple personalities emerge within the same individual
Dissociative identity disorder
Memory loss that cannot be explained as the result of head trauma or other physical cause
Dissociative amnesia
Downcast mood, feelings
of hopelessness and worthlessness, changes in sleep patterns or appetite, loss of motivation, loss of pleasure in pleasant activities
Major depression
Periods of shifting moods between mania and depression, perhaps with intervening periods of normal mood
Bipolar disorder