PVD/ Exercise Physiology Flashcards
- 3 mechanisms? Cause what?
- Arterial stenosis is worse with?
- True aneurysm? Big risk if? 2 problems occurring? Why is wall weakening? Risk factors? (5) Can’t be found by? Treatment? (2)
- Aortic dissection: Blood flows in what manner?
- VT: Why does leg swell? What may help? What places person at increased risk?
- ) Athero: Arterial occlusive disease
- ) Altered arterial wall: Aneurysm/ dissection
- ) Thrombosis: Local occlusion of veins/ PE
- Higher flow velocities
- all 3 layers effected; >50% enlarged; collagen and elastin in adventitia, inflamm, stress, enzymes; male, age, smoking, family hx, size of aorta
- Open = add tube and see-saw vessel; longer recovery
- Endovascular = Stent via catheter; more common leaks
- Spiral
- Venous return is not working; compression; triad
- Exercise Physio:
- Ficks principle connects respiratory VO2 with? Equations? (2)
- Stroke volume equation? EF?
- SV with exercise? Elite athletes?
- CO with exercise: 50%? Elite athletes?
- Flow equation? (2) With exercise? MAP?
- BP with exercise: Acute? Chronic? SBP? DBP?
- Redistribution with exercise? Coronaries? Heat?
- Delivery and extraction; CO = VO2 / [O2A] - [O2V]; [HgB] * 1.34 * 5 O2 sat
- Increased venous return and inotropy; doubles with exercise; higher SV at rest
- Both HR and SV; Only HR; Increase SV at max HR
- Q=P/R; Q=Pr^4/8lU; MAP = DBP + 1/3(SBP-DBP); decrease vascular resistance
- SNS; kidneys via baroreceptors; increases; same
- Vaso at active muscles; increase Q; skin vasodliate
- Oxygen delivery equation?
- Extrinsic way to increase O2 delivery? (3) Intrinsic?
- LaPlace equation?
- Myocardial supply? (3) Demand? (3)
- Factors that decrease supply? (3)
- Exercise used for what in CAD?
- RPP equations? (3)
- RPP helps determine? Related to?
- What is ischemic threshold? With therapy?
- Training does what? Possible mechanisms?
- VO2 max used for? (2) Measure LV systolic function how?
- O2 delivery = Q * Arterial content ([HgB] * 1.34 * O2 sat)
- Training, doping, high altitude training
- Wall Stress = P*r/2h
- BF, Perfusion pressure, resistance; HR, wall stress, inotropy
- Hypotension, lower content, lower blood flow
- RPP = HRmax * SBPmax = HR^2 * SV * SVR; SVR = MAP/CO
- RPP where ischemia occurs; threshold same but more work
- Increase exercise intensity, higher capacity without increased flow; collaterals or improved dysfunction
- CV prognosis and transplant; CO response and peripheral extraction with exercise
- CHD: Epi? Gender? Other differences?
- Risk factors? (3)
- Epi: Rank the 5 in commonality order?
1. ) PDA: Present with? Exam? Murmur? Treatment: Symptomatic neonate? Child? Untreated can lead to?
2. ) ASD: 2 mechanisms? Shunt? Presentation? Murmur? Systolic? Diastolic? Also? Treatment: Infants? Children?
- 1/100; male more; no
- Boys, maternal diabetes (3x); family hx
- VSD, PDA, T of F; ASD; Coarction
1. ) hoarse cry; wide pulse pressure, palpable palmar pulses; continous machine; Indomethancin/ NSAID’s; percutaneous occlusion
2. ) Ostium secundum too big; inadequate development of secundum; L –> R; rarely noticed at birth; NOT related to flow; too much flow across PV; Tricuspid; wide patho split S2; Diuretics to relieve symptoms; surgery or percutaneous closure
- ) VSD: Due to? Most common type? Second? Shunt? Pulmonary return? Murmur? Bigger hole? Big concern? (2) Progression of Eisenmengers syndrome?
- ) T of F: Most common what? Monology? 2 types? Tet spells due to? Cyanosis worsens as what? ECG? (2)
- ) Coarction: Due to? Common with? BF to head? Body? Key sign? ECG in kids? Child? Adult? 3 signs?
- ) 4 endocardial pouches; perimembranous; muscular; L to R; increased; holosytolic; softer murmur; stuck valve, pulm disease leading to R to L shunt; L to R, Higher pulm flow, pulm htx, high RV pressure, R to L shunt
- ) Cyanotic defect; abnormal development of clonal cests resulting in outlet displaced anteriorly, rightward and upward; infundibular spasm; DA closes; RAD, RVH
- ) Narrowing of aortic lumen; Turners; Increased; decreased; No femoral pulses; RAD and RVH; LVH; ST depession; Aortic knob, coarction, post stenotic dilation