CVD Prevention/ Screening Flashcards
- CVD and depression: Dep assoc. with? (2)
- 2x risk of getting
- Predicts MI death after?
- Rehospitalization? Ind. pred. of? LVEF?
- Possible mechanisms? (2)
- Treatment options? (3)
- Collaborative care benefits?
- SSRI’s and welbutrin: Problem?
- BB and depression?
- Screen how?
- 1st MI and cardiac death
- ACS or MI
- More likely; mortality; lower with depression
1. ) Physiological: Auto dysfunction increases cortisol and plt activation, endo dys and inflamm.; preceived fear leads to stress response from amygdala; defective seratonin signalling
2. ) Behavioral: Lower PA, adherence, less follow up - SSRI; cog therapy; collaborative care
- cost effective primary care
- Takes up to 4 weeks to kick in
- Not related
- Mood and anhodenia questions
- Lab Findings:
- Sensitive and specific it is not CHF; vent. stretch
- EKG, troponin, CK
- Tr, EKG, Angiography
- A,B (vent.) and C (endothelium)
- Ventricles, stretched; LVEDP, NYHA score, HF in pt’s over 55; women, elderly, renal insufficiency
- RF
- Primary Prevention:
- Factors that decrease CV disease?
- Main risk factor for CVD and stroke?
- Myths with CVD? (4)
- 2 possible prevention approaches?
- Side effects of statins? (2)
- Asa works for? (2) Not? (2)
- BP, lipids, smoking
- Htx
- Gycemic control decrease large vessel disease outcomes (does help for microvascular); Asa a day for T2D over 40 helps with CVD; High HDL by drugs helps outcomes; smoke free policy difinitively helps with AMI
- Community programs; policy changes
- Increased HbA1C and cognitive side effects
- CAD/stroke patients; DM or primary prevention
- What does 2ndary prevention mean? Goal?
- Guidelines: 1, 2a, 2b, 3
- Evidence: A, B, C
- Anti plt’s/ theino for who? (3)
- BB: 1a for? 2a for?
- RAAS for? (5)
- BP control current reccomendation? (2)
- Cholesterol control based on? not?
- Diabetes is same risk as? Class 1? 2a? 2b?
- Depression: 2a? 2b?
- Smoking cessation?
- Obesity: Class 1? (2)
- PA: Class 1?
- Evidence of disease; prevent rupture/progression
- Should do it; reasonable; maybe; don’t do it
- RCT’s; obs./case; expert opinion
- CAD pts, ACS, PCI
- LVSD 60
- Dose; number
- Prior MI; Lifestyle mod; metformin; HbA1C
- How do micro bubbles work with ECHO?
- Stress test shows? (5) Available imaging?
- ETT: Indications? (5) Contra? (9) Test is best for? (2)
- Imaging Stress test: Types? (2) Indications? (5) Contra?
- Perfusion study: Tracer deposited based on? Reversible? Fixed? Thallium 201? Technetium 99?
- MRI: Contra? (2) Anatomic? Functional?
- Can’t pass through pulm capillaries
- Ischemia, changes in BP, ECG, symptoms, flow, wall motion; UA, arrhythmia, CHF, AV block, carditis, ACS, HOCM, Bad Htx, Acute illness; ID left main or 3 vessel disease
- Echo, nuclear; abnormal baseline ECG, better sensitivity; same as ETT
- Blood flow; reversible ischemia; infarction/scar; continuous exchange across membrane; one pass
- Metal; kidney dysfunction for Gadolinium; spin; cine MRI