Putting it all together HAND SHIT Flashcards
Which Deformity is described: Central slip disruption changes tension on lateral bands which slip down below the axis of flexion of the PIP joints causing a posture of flexion
A. Boutonniere Deformity
B.Mallet Finger
C. Swan Neck Deformity
A. Boutonniere Deformity
T/F Mallet finger can lead to a swan neck deformity
Which deformity is described: Extensor mechanism injury to terminal tendon at DIP. DIP is in flexion and can become contracted.
A. Boutonniere Deformity
B. Mallet finger
C. Swan Neck Deformity
B. Mallet Finger
Name 2 causes of Swan Neck Deformity. There are 4 causes total.
- An unchecked mallet finger
- Terminal tendon like the lateral bands, or retinacular ligament is cut or torn
- Intrinsic tightness from Rhematoid Arthritis (RA) or Cerebral Palsy (CP)
- Ischemic changes (like in compartment syndrome)
Which deformity is described: DIP flexes due to flexor digitorum profundus. Lateral bands slip dorsal to PIP joint, pulling PIP into hyperextension.
A. Boutonniere Deformity
B. Mallet Finger
C. Swan Neck Deformity
C. Swan Neck Deformity
_______ -tightness or contracture of lumbricals, & interossei
Intrinsic plus hand
______-occurs due to low ulnar nerve injury, like a laceration at the wrist
Intrinsic minus hand
What is the functional significance of intrisic minus hand after low ulnar nerve injury? 4 things
- Impaired grip strength
- Decreased span of grip to hold larger items
- Thumb loses it stabilizer for pinch (adductor)
- Impaired stability of the MP joints during motion
What does intrinsic minus hand look like with a combined low ulnar nerve and median nerve injury?
Condition affects all fingers and thumb
Clawing of all digits
Atrophy to thumb
Thumb cannot oppose digits for pad to pad or tip to tip precision
Name the Treatments for low ulnar and median nerve injury (4)
Anticlaw grip
PROM to avoid contracture
Strengthening of muscles
Surgery for tendon transfer
What are four causes of tenosynovitis (trigger finger)?
- Repetitive activity
- Trauma
- Inflammation and infection
- Rheumatoid Arthritis causes synovial thickening
Where does flexor tenosynovitis (trigger finger) typically occur?
A-1 pulley of thumb
What are a few treatment method for trigger finger?
full time splint, ROM exercises to avoid stiffness or contracture, NSAIDs, corticosteroid injections, activity modification
T/F a power grip results in flexion of all fingers and may include the thumb
Name the Prime Movers for Hook Grip
- Flexor digitorum superficialis
- Flexor digitorum profundus
IF thumb is in extension, THEN
- extensor policis brevis
- extensory policis longus
Name the prime movers for cylindrical grip
- Flexor digitorum superficialis
- Flexor digitorum profudus
- Interossei and lumbricals
- Flexor policis longus
- Thenar muscles
- Sometimes hyperthenar muscles
Name Prime Movers for spherical grip
- interossei
- extensors important for stabilizing
- Thenar mucles
- Hyperthenar muscles
Name the prime movers for lumbrical/plate grip
- lumbricals