Pupils Sexual and Gender Identities Flashcards
What to Mac and Ghaill found about Male Gaze?
They found male gaze is the way male pupils and teachers look girls open from seeing them as sexual objects this forms dominant masculinity and femininity is devalued. For example, boys prove masculinity by sharing stores of sexual conquests.
What do Haywood, Mac and Ghaill state about Reinforcing Dominant Definitions of Gender Identity?
They found teachers will tell boys off for acting like girls and tease them for being worse than girls they tend to ignore verbal abjure to girls via the boys.
What does Askew and Ross state about Reinforcing Dominant of Gender Identity?
They state male teachers subtly reinforce gender messages such as how men can protect women as women are incapable of protecting themselves.
What does Connel and Parker say about Abuse?
Rich vocabulary of abuse dominates gender and sexual identities for example boys use name calling to put girls down.
Parker found boys labelled for being friends with girls.
Symbolic Capital:
Archer illustrates how WCG gain symbolic capital via performing hyper heterosexual feminine identities via Nike identities with certain brands due to being called tramps if they don’t.
Raey Some girls would perform sexual identities with no interest in boys or fashion risk being excluded from their peers.
Boys in Anti School Subclutures:
Male peer groups use verbal abuse to reinforce masculinity and name call boys who want to well effeminate or gay.
What did Mac, Ghaill and Parnell do about Anti School Subcultures?
They did a school study an exam and help your groups reproduce class base masculine identities.
Double Standards:
Lee states there are double standards of sexual morality is for boys and girls. Boys boast about it however if girls do they’re called slags. Feminist state double standards can be seen as a form of social control to reinforce gender inequality by helping keep females subordinate.