Pulmonology and Respiratory Tract Infections (PEARLS and BOARD REVIEW Flashcards
What is the best way to assess for asthma? What is the gold standard?
Peak flow. >15% change after treatment + response. Gold standard is pulmonary function testing
What drug is used for bronchoprovocation testing?
Metacholine (cholinergic drug that causes bronchoconstriction)
What acid/base issue is classically associated with asthma?
Respiratory alkalosis. Pts hyperventilate.
What is the atopic triad or asthmatic triad?
Asthma, nasal polyps, ASA/NSAID allergy, eczema.
What drugs should be avoided in asthmatics?
ASA, NSAIDS, BB, ACEI in some cases
When should you admit an asthmatic?
When should you be able to discharge an asthmatic?
PEFR > 70% with resolved symptoms. Maintain close followup.
List the rescue drugs and classes.
B2 agonists (albuterol, terbutaline, epinephrine, levalbuterol). Anticholinergics (ipratropium). Systemic corticoids (prednisone, methylprednisone (solumedrol), prednisolone.
What is a duoneb? Why use it?
Albuterol and ipratropium. Albuterol is a peripheral bronchodilator and ipratropium is a central bronchodilator.
What are the drugs of choice for chronic asthma?
Inhaled corticoids. Beclomethasone, flunisolide, triamcinolone.
What is the MOA of ICS?
Inhibit cytokine synthesis and inflammatory response.
What issue can ICS cause?
Thrush (use a spacer)
What would add to an ICS if a person just wasn’t getting enough relief?
Either increase dose OR LABA. Salmeterol.
What other option do you have? What are they?
An ICS and LABA mix. Symbicort (budenoside/formoterol) or Advair (fluticasone and salmeterol)
What are LABA’s especially good at addressing?
Nocturnal asthma
Once asthma is controlled, what should you do with the LABA?
Try to step down off LABA
Are LABA’s used as rescue medications?
NO and they should NEVER BE USED ALONE
What is an asthma prophy option?
Mast cell modifiers like Cromolyn or nedocromil
What do mast cell modifiers do?
Inhibit acute phase reactions to EXERCISE, cold air, sulfites
What medications are especially useful in asthmatics with allergic rhinitis or ASA induced asthma?
LTRA (leukotriene modifiers/receptor antagonists. (Singulair (motelukast)) as an example.
Theophylline is what?
An asthma drug used for chronic control. It is a bronchodilator that helps RESPIRATORY MUSCLE ENDURANCE. (lots of drug interactions). This drug has a NARROW therapeutic index and may cause ARRHYTHMIAS and/or SEIZURES.
What might smokers need when it comes to theophylline?
Higher dosing. Smoking decreases theophylline levels.
What drug would you use in SEVERE UNCONTROLLED ASTHMA?
Oh my God it’s bad…or omalizumab. It’s an anti IGe Ab
Classify asthma symptoms.
Days. 2=mild persistent , daily=moderate persistent, or multiple times throughout the day=severe persistent.
What is the most important risk factor for COPD?
What is the only genetic disease linked to COPD in young people?
Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency. Causes pan-lobular emphysema as there is no alpha 1 antitrypsin to protect the lung from WBC’s.
Abnormal permanent enlargement of terminal airspaces. Emphysema or Chronic Bronchitis?
Mucous mucous mucous, cough cough cough for >3 months for 2 consecutive years. Emphysema or Chronic Bronchitis?
Chronic bronchitis
Emphysema or Chronic Bronchitis? A woman who experiences increased dyspnea on exertion presents to clinic. On exam you note hyper resonance to percussion, decreased breath sounds, decreased fremitus, and a barrel chest (increased AP diameter). She is breathing through pursed lips. You note respiratory ____ on labs.
Emphysema (pink puffer). She will have respiratory alkalosis
Emphysema or Chronic Bronchitis? An obese woman with a productive cough. On exam you note rales, rhonchi, wheezing and peripheral edema and cyanosis. You note respiratory ____ on labs add well as ____/____ as well as ____capnia.
Chronic bronchitis (blue bloater). She will have respiratory acidosis. Hct/RBC will be increased due to chronic hypoxia stimulating erythropoiesis.
What is cor pulmonale?
Right sided heart failure due to lung disease. May see edema as well as cyanosis.
How do you diagnose COPD?
PFT’s/Spirometry are the gold standards
What measurement is most important when determining severity?
FEV1. If it is less than 1…that is shitty!!!
With obstruction, what will you see with FEV1/FVC
Decrease in both.