Pulmonary Physiology: Breathing Mechanics Flashcards
How does alveolar surface tension change with inspiration and expiration, respectively?
With inspiration the alveolar surface tension decreases and with expiration it increases.
Due to the forces of surface tension within a sphere, it is harder to expand a _____ (big or small) sphere than it is a _____ (big or small) sphere. Which equation explains this?
Harder to expand a small sphere than a big sphere. LaPlace explains this: P (pressure) = 2 x T (tension) x r (radius)
What molecule gives surfactant its amphiphatic property and its ability to interfere with H-bonding?
Explain the stabilizing effect that surfactant has on alveoli.
With surface tension, more pressure is required to expand a smaller alveoli than a larger one. Surfactant lowers the surface tension such that different alveoli in the lung are able to inflate at equal pressures no matter their size.
Alveoli are “interdependent.” What does that mean?
They are connected to each other by CT, which helps keep them open.
What are the two ways to inflate the lung?
- Positive pressure from inside the lungs
2. Negative pressure surrounding the lungs
Why can’t the two lung pleura be pulled apart? What can they do instead?
Surface tension is too high. They can slide against each other instead.
The thoracic pressure is ___ mmHg lower than the atmospheric pressure due to the recoil of the thoracic cavity and the surface tension of the intrapleural space.
5 mmHg
When the diaphragm __________ it flattens, pushing the abdominal contents down, expanding the rib cage, and drawing air into the lungs.
What are the external intercostal muscles’ role in breathing?
Their contraction expands the ribs upward and outward during inspiration, increasing the anterior-to-posterior diameter of the thoracic cavity.
What are the scalenes and sternocleidomastoids’ role in breathing?
These are accessory muscles that activate during heavy breathing. Scalenes lift the first two ribs and sternocleidomastoids lift the sternum.
What are the internal intercostal muscles’ role in breathing?
Their contraction helps decrease anterior-posterior diameter of the thoracic cavity when actively exhaling.
By which two mechanisms do minute ventilation increase during heavy breathing?
- Increased frequency
2. Increased tidal volume through increased expiration AND inspiration
With increasing frequency of breathing, the time available for filling the lungs _________ (increases or decreases) and the tidal volume _________ (increases or decreases).
time available for filling decreases and so does tidal volume
FEV1/FVC is an assessment of airway ________.
What is a normal FEV1/FVC?
around 80%
What does a FEV1/FVC of 50% indicate?
Obstructive pulmonary disease
What is the relationship between expiratory flow and lung volume?
As lung volume decreases, so does flow. In other words, you can exhale faster at first, but as your lungs empty, your exhale gets weaker.
What three things affect the elastic recoil of the lungs?
- Lung tissue stretch. Increased stretch = increased recoil force.
- Alveolar surface tension forces.
- Stiffness of the chest wall and expiratory muscle forces.
Name two ways by which emphysema decreases exhalation ability.
- Airway narrowing
2. Loss of elastic recoil
Can total lung capacity and residual volume both increase in the setting of emphysema?