Pulmonary Flashcards
What type of sweat is found in [Cystic Fibrosis] pts (2)
Eccrine sweat with [High Concentrations of Cl]
[High Concentrations of Na+ (follows Cl)]
How do pts with ____ minimize their [Work of Breathing]
A: Obstructive Disorders
B: Restrictive Disorders
A: O**bstructive= [slOO**w + Deep] Breaths
B: Restrictive= [fast + shallow] Breaths
MOD of [Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis]
Repeated Epithelial injury and resulting healing] –> [Elevated TGF-b–>inhibits Caveolin —>[Abnormal Epithelial Repair = Fibroblastic Proliferation (especially SubPleura)] –> Alveoli collapse and cystic space formation –> Honeycomb Fibrosis eventually
Clinical Presentation for [Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis] (2)
- [Velcro End inspiratory Crackles]
- [Insidiously progressive DOE]
A: [INC Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate] is a nonspecific marker for ________
B: Explain why ESR Increases?
A: Inflammation
B: [IL 1 / 6 / TNFa] stimulate Liver –> secrete [Acute-phase proteins (fibrinogen/CRP/[amyloid A & P])] to bind to microbes and fix compliment during infection.
**[Acute -phase proteins] ALSO bind to RBC –>RBC becomes more dense –> Falls at faster rate as [Rouleaux stacks] = [INC ESR]
Clinical SIGNS for Silicosis (2 CXR / 1 Histo)
- CXR: [Eggshell Calcification of Hilar Lymph nodes]
- CXR: Bilateral Nodular Apical densities
- Histology: [Birefringent silica particles] surrounded by fibrous= [Nodules w/whorled appearance]
A: Which 3 Carcinomas are associated with Asbestos? Which is most common?
B: When does Asbestos pathology onset?
- Laryngeal
- Bronchogenic (most common)
- Mesothelioma
B: 25-40 years post exposure
[Cavity w/ Fluid Level] in the Lungs indicates what 3 possibilities?
[Cavity w/Fluid Level] = Abscess > [Necrotic Tumor] > [Bacterial endocarditis]
List the 4 Etiologies for Full Whiteout on CXR
“I PAID in Full” = Full White out=
[Pulm Edema (will be accompanied w/Cardiomegaly)] can —> Pleural Effusion - shown in image
[ARDS = (Adhesive Atelectasis)]
[Diffuse Alveolar Dz]
Describe [Meconium iLeus]
[dehydrated meconium plug] causing [iLeus distal sbo] in [cystic fibrosis infants]
What’s Vitamin A role in Epithelial maintenance
Vitamin A maintains proper differentiation of specialized epithelium ([Conjunctiva columnar] / Respiratory / Pancreatic / Urinary] )
There are 4 Stages for [Lobar PNA / Consolidation]
Congestion –> [Red Hepatization]–> [Gray Hepatization] –> Resolution
When does Congestion onset?
There are 4 Stages for [Lobar PNA / Consolidation]
Congestion –> [Red Hepatization]–> [Gray Hepatization] –> Resolution
When does [Red Hepatization] onset?
There are 4 Stages for [Lobar PNA / Consolidation]
Congestion –> [Red Hepatization]–> [Gray Hepatization] –> Resolution
When does [Gray Hepatization] onset?
There are 4 Stages for [Lobar PNA / Consolidation]
Congestion –> [Red Hepatization]–> [Gray Hepatization] –> Resolution
Describe the MACROscopic Appearance of Congestion (2)
There are 4 Stages for [Lobar PNA / Consolidation]
Congestion –> [Red Hepatization]–> [Gray Hepatization] –> Resolution
Describe the MACROscopic Appearance of [Red Hepatization] (3)
There are 4 Stages for [Lobar PNA / Consolidation]
Congestion –> [Red Hepatization]–> [Gray Hepatization] –> Resolution
Describe the MACROscopic Appearance of [Gray Hepatization] (3)
There are 4 Stages for [Lobar PNA / Consolidation]
Congestion –> [Red Hepatization]–> [Gray Hepatization] –> Resolution
Describe the MACROscopic Appearance of Resolution**
Normal Architecture
There are 4 Stages for [Lobar PNA / Consolidation]
Congestion –> [Red Hepatization]–> [Gray Hepatization] –> Resolution
Describe the microscopic appearance of Resolution**
There are 4 Stages for [Lobar PNA / Consolidation]
Congestion –> [Red Hepatization]–> [Gray Hepatization] –> Resolution
Describe microscopic appearance of [Gray Hepatization] (3)**
Alveolar Exudate contains:
FN: Fibrin / Neutrophils
[Fragmented Erythrocytes after disintegration]
There are 4 Stages for [Lobar PNA / Consolidation]
Congestion –> [Red Hepatization]–> [Gray Hepatization] –> Resolution
Describe microscopic appearance of [Red Hepatization] (3)**
Alveolar Exudate contains:
EFN:Erythrocytes/ Fibrin / Neutrophils
There are 4 Stages for [Lobar PNA / Consolidation]
Congestion –> [Red Hepatization]–> [Gray Hepatization] –> Resolution
Describe the microscopic appearance of Congestion (2)**
Which lung structure is affected most by [Chronic Rejection following lung transplant]? What sydrome does this cause?
A: Small Airways —> [Bronchiolitis Obliterans Syndrome]
A: Most common BENIGN lung tumor
B: Clinical Presentation
A: [Bronchial Hamartoma (made of lung tissue & cartilage)]
B: Asx peripherally located “coin lesion” in pts 50-60 y/o
Clinical Presentation of Asthma (3)
1) Intermittent Respiratory sx but with normal CXR
2) occasional sputum eosinophils
3) DEC FEV1 (Normal is > 80%)
What is the function of the [lamellar bodies in Type 2 GCC Pneumocytes]
A: They store and secrete PULMONARY SURFACTANT from [Type 2 GCC-Granular Club Clara] into fluid layer lining the alveoli.
Surfactant DEC surface tension and without it –> [alveolar adhesive atelectasis]
Name the 5 major associations with Eosinophils
Phil is in the NAACP
Allergic rxn
Chronic Adrenal Insufficiency
Parasites-invasive (Helminths)
Histological Features of Chronic Bronchitis (3)
- [Patchy Squamous Metaplasia of Bronchial Mucosa] —> Mucous gland Enlargement–> Reid Index > 50%
- Thickened Bronchial Walls
- Neutrophil infiltrate
Name the Conditions in which Diffusion Capacity is INCREASED (3)
A: [CHF vs. Polycythemia vs. Hemorrhage] –> INC DLCO
**all others DEC diffusion capacity**
A: Common manifestations of Sarcoidosis (10)
B: Which demographic is most commonly affected
CD4 TH1 mediated
[Liver with scattered noncaseating granulomas around portal triad] + [Lymphadenopathy-Bilateral Hilar]
ACE elevation & [Asteroid vs. Schumann bodies]
Restrictive cardiomyopathy (RAMILIES)
Calcemia INC (hyperCalcemia)
Bell’s Palsy (Facial CN7)
Erythema Nodosum (SubQ Fat lesions)
Diffuse Intersitial Fibrosis (INC FEV1/FVC ratio)
B: AA Females
Where does [SOLC-Small Oat Cell Lung Carcinoma] arise from and describe its pathogenesis?
Arises from [primitive neuroendocrine Kulchitsky cells] of bronchial epithelium–> [small blue central tumor] –> [Lambert Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome] &Paraneoplastic syndromes (AAAA)] = POOR PGN
Virulent mycobacteria will grow as ____ cords on enriched media because of ______ factor.
B: How does this factor establish virulence for Virulent mycobacteria? (3)
Virulent mycobacteria will grow as Serpentine Cords on enriched media because of Cord Factor
B: Cord Factor allows virulence by:
1) Neutrophil inhibition
2) Mitochondrial Destruction
3) Inducing release of [Tumor Necrosis Factor]
Centriacinar Emphysema MOD and location
Large Cystic Spaces in [Upper Lobe-Respiratory Bronchioles] are formed by [neutrophil/macrophage] release of elastase (type of proteinase)
What lab manifestations would you expect to see in X-linked agammaglobulinemia (2)
[Mutated Tyrosine Kinase] –> DEC [CD19 and CD20 B- cells]
[Pan-hypOgammaglobulinemia] –> DEC Ab
How does Elastin recoil back to original position in the lung upon release of tension
[Extracellular Lysyl Hydroxylase] crosslinks DesmoSine with [4 different Lysines] on [4 different elastin chains]
A: Describe Chronic Granulomatous Dz
B: Lab test for CGD
“Cats Give [Neutrophils w/out NADPH] Dz”
A: CGD-Chronic Granulomatous Dz=
X-linked Dz DEC [NADPH Respiratory Burst in neutrophils] –> susceptibility to [Catalase + organisms]
B: Will NOT turn Blue with [Nitroblue Tetrazolium]
Where in the respiratory tree do you find [Pseudostratified Columnar Mucus Secreting Epithelium] (4)
- Pseudo*stratified
1. Nose and Nasopharynx
2 Paranasal Sinuses
- Larynx (laryngeal vestibule)
- Tracheobronchial Tree
Anti-IGE Antibody
BLOCKS A in image
H1 Blockers
Indication (2)
- Allergy Sx
- Chronic Urticaria
Describe the following Hemolysis patterns:
[Beta vs. alpha vs. gamma Hemolysis]
Beta Hemolysis = COMPLETE Hemolysis
alpha Hemolysis = inComplete Hemolysis
gamma Hemolysis= NO Hemolysis
Kartagener Syndrome
Clinical Presentation (4)
1º Ciliary Dyskinesia
1) [Situs Inversus Dextrocardia] (cilia is required during embryogensis)
2) Infertility
3) Bronchiectasis
4) Sinusitis-chronic
What does the Cell Wall of bacteria do for them?
Allows [GRAM staining Bacteria] to survive osmotic stress (hypOtonic vs. Hypertonic solutions)
Cystic Fibrosis MOD
Mutation in CFTR gene product –> [Defective postTranslational folding and glycosylation] –> Degradation of CFTR prior to reaching surface
Clinical Presentation of Haemophilus Influenzae (4)
Epiglottis-cherry red
Meningitis –> Septicemia
Oitits Media
List the Obstructive causes of Bronchiectasis (2)
1) Tumor
2) Foreign Body
List the Infectious causes of Bronchiectasis (2)
1) TB
2) [Aspergillus Fumigatus in ABPA]-Allergic BronchoPulmonary Aspergillosis] –> will be associated with [recurrent transient pulm infiltrates]
List the Congenital causes of Bronchiectasis (3)
1) Immunodeficient Syndromes
2) cystic fibrosis
3) Kartagener (1° Ciliary Dyskinesia)
List the Random causes of Bronchiectasis (3)
1) Rheumatoid Arthritis
2) Lupus
3) Graft
Describe Cold Agglutinin formation
[Clumped Agglutination] of RBCs by specific antibodies at LOW temperatures
[Large Spherules filled with small round endospores] is pathomneumonic for what pathogen?
Coccidioides Immitis
Describe the Histo and identify the organism
[Small Ovoid bodies within a macrophage] = Histoplasma Capsulatum
Name the most common Asthma drugs (5)
“OIL Alleviates Asthma”
1) [Leukotriene (C4 / D4 / E4) Blockers]
2) [AcH Blockers]
3) OmaLizumab- Anti**-IgE Ab
4) Albuterol-short acting
5) [Inhaled Corticosteroids-Chronic Asthma 1st line tx**]
Based on the image:
Is the pathology Obstructive vs. Restrictive vs. Tracheal Stenosis
Obstructive - Emphysema (intraAlveolar wall destruction)
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Sx (3)
1) [Pulm AND Systemic HTN]
2) [R HF –> Arrhythmia –> Sudden Death]
3) HA
* Sx come from Nocturnal hypoxia*
List the 4 major things that recruit neutrophils to inflammation sites
“Recruit Neu people using 8 Lil Hot Caligirls”
- IL8
- Leukotriene B4
- 5-HETE (Leukotriene precursor)
- [C5a complement]
Describe Fat Embolism Syndrome
Occurs when a pt sustains Severe [Long bone (femur) vs. Pelvic Fractures]–> Occlusion of microvessels by fat globules
List the Connective Tissue causes of Pulmonary HTN (2)
[Scleroderma vs. Lupus]
List the Genetic cause of Pulmonary HTN
AKA Primary Pulm HTN = Double Hit mechanism involving mutation of BMPR2. Affects [Females 20-40].
List the Drug cause of Pulmonary HTN (5)
A: What bacterial organisms are the most Frequent cause of Lung Abscess? (4)
B: Where are these bacteria normally found?
A: “FP went to BP so he could go to LA” –> [CFL - Cavity w/Fluid Level on CT
B: [Oral Flora AnAerobes]
Describe [Primary Tuberculosis] manifestation
Ghon Complex (ipsilateral Hilar Nodes + Ghon focus in lower lung) can –> Healing vs. Lung Dz vs. Bacteremia vs. Dissemination
Describe Mesothelioma
Rare neoplasm arising from pleura or peritoneum, strongly associated with Asbestos
A: Describe [Lung SQC]
B: Radiographic manifestation
A: p53 mutation –> Bronchi neoplasm
B: Hilar mass
DO NOT GIVE Bevacizumab
[Image C = Hilar Mass] ; [Image D = Keratin pearls + intercell bridging]
What is the Major stimulator of respiration normally?
PaCO2 (INC in PaCO2 –> INC ventilation rate)
Define Minute Ventilation and give formula
Total volume of new air entering respiratory pathways per minute: [MV= (tidal volume-(L)) x (# breaths in 1 min)]
Describe the PaO2 / SaO2 / Oxygen Content levels for:
CO Poisoning
- TOTAL O2 Content= [(O2 binding capacity x %Saturation])+ (% of free floating O2)= [Amount of Blood HgB]
- [PaO2 = Free Floating O2]
A: Between [Pulmonary Capillaries] and [L Atrium and Vt], which has lower pO2
B: Explain why
A: [L Atrium and Vt] has lower pO2! because …
B: [Pulmonary Veins] that feed [L Atrium and Vt] ALSO receive DeOxygenated blood from [Bronchial a. & Thebesian Veins]
Why does [Lung Ventilation/Perfusion Ratio] DECREASE as you travel from Lung Apex –> Base?
[Perfusion INC as you go from Lung Apex–>Base] BUT [Ventilation slightly INC from Lung Apex –> Base]
List the O2 & CO2 changes that occur in [Mixed Venous Blood] during Exercise
1) DEC O2 in Mixed Venous Blood
2) INC CO2 in Mixed Venous Blood –> DEC pH
A: O2 Equilibration between [alveolar and pulmonary capillaries] in normal pts is ________ limited (Diffusion vs. Perfusion)
B: What conditions causes the other limitation? (2)
A: Perfusion-limited
B: Diffusion limited
1) Physiological: Exercise
2) Fibrosis
A: Name the 4 causes of hypOxemia (low PaO2)
B: Which cause is different and how?
- alveolar hypOventilation (Will have Normal Alveolar-Arterial gradient)
- [Ventilation-Perfusion mismatch] (V/Q is normally HIGH in apices due to gravity pulling blood to bases but this is Normal!!)
- Diffusion impairment
- [R Heart –> L Heart shunting]
Primary Reason [RBC of venous blood] have HIGH Cl content
Venous blood pulls CO2 out of tissue and (via Carbonic Anhydrase) converts –> HCO3. This HCO3 LEAVES the RBC back into the acidic tissue BUT Cl comes into RBC as exchange. –> HIGH Cl content in [RBC of venous blood]
[Pulmonary Function Test] of Interstitial Lung Dz will show what (2)
- DEC [Total Lung Capacity]
- [INC Lung Elastic inward recoil] –> [INC outward radial traction on airways] –> [MARKED INC EXPIRATORY FLOW RATES]
A: Pharmacologic MOA
B: Clinical MOA
A: [Muscarinic Cholinergic Agonist]
B: Induces [Bronchoconstriction and Bronchial secretions] –> Used to demonstrate dz in asthmatics
Classic Clinical Presentation of Pulmonary Embolism (4)
- [Tachypnea (from Hypoxemia) & Dyspnea]
- Tachycardia
- Cough
- [Pleuritic Chest Pain]
Name the ONE thing that stays EQUAL between Systemic and Pulmonary circulations at all times (even during exercise)!
RATE of Blood Flow / minute
Where does [Ciliated Epithelium] line the Pulmonary Airways?
From [Trachea –> [Proximal part of Respiratory bronchioles]]
Define [Secondary Bacterial Pneumonia]. What Bacteria cause it? (3)
PNA that develops right AFTER Influenza infection
[Strep Pneumo] > [Staph Aureus] > [H. Influenzae]
Delayed Hypersensitivity
List the 4 Examples
1- Granulomatous Inflammation
2- Tuberculin Skin Test
3- [Candida Extract Skin Test]
4- Contact Dermatitis
Image shows Non-Caseating Granulomas
Langerhan Giant Cells
List MOA for Polysaccharide Vaccines
Polysaccharide binds to [B-cell receptor] and that B-cell produces a [Moderate level of intermediate-affinity IgM abs]
List MOA for Conjugate Vaccines
[Polysaccharide WITH PROTEIN CONJUGATE (orange triangles)] binds to [B-cell receptor] and that B-cell activates T-cells as well –> produces a [High level of High-affinity IgG abs] with memory cell formation
[Croup Laryngotracheitis]
Clinical Presentation (3)
1) [Brassy Barking cough]
2) Dyspnea
3) [Recent hx of URI]
Name the Causes of ARDS (10)
A= Aspiration vs. [Acute Pancreatitis] vs. [Air Fluid Embolus (amniotic)]
R= Radiation
D= Drugs vs. DIC vs. Drowning
S= Sepsis vs. Smoking vs. Shock
Nystatin MOA and [Route of Admin]
A: Binds to [Fungal cell membrane Ergosterol] and forms pores.
B: [Oral Swish and Swallow Agent] - since it is not absorbed by GI tract
List 2 examples of [Respiratory AcH Blockers] and their MOA
“OIL Alleviates Asthma”
[Ipratropium vs. TiOtropium(lOnger acting)] Reverses VAGUS-nerve mediated Bronchoconstriction
Name the components of Surfactant (4)
- [Lecithin DPPC- DiPalmitoyl PhosphatidylCholine]
- [Sphingomyelin]
- Phosphatidylglycerol
- [Protein A1B1C1D]