Pulm Vascular Disease_Lect 19 Flashcards
What is the formula for systemic arterial pressure? For pulmonary artery pressure?
Psa = (CO X SVR) + Pra
Ppa = (CO X PVR) + Pla
Ppa- Pla = (CO X PVR)
Increased RV Afterload has 2 major detrimental outcomes?
Cardiogenic Shock and Decreased RCA blood flow
What are some significant symptoms of PAH?
Low perfusion - syncope, dyspnea, angina, fatigue
congestion - abd pain/fullness, peripheral edema
Significant findings in Physical Exam in PAH
JVP, RV heave, loud P2, TR murmur, RV s3/s4
Hepatomegaly, cool extremities, LE edema (No Rales)
Most common cause of PAH?
Small PA vasculopathy
Treatment Measures? Side effects of Vasodilators?
preload, O2 sat~90%, anticoag, digoxin, rehab to improve functional capacity
Surgery (atrial sept, thromboendarectomy)
Lung transplant
Vasodilator→HA, dizzy
ERAs→terato, periph edema, anemia
bosentan→liver tox
prostanoids→jaw pain, delivery problem