Pulm Flashcards
Whisper pectoriloquy
-you can hear it if abnormal
-normal you cant hear
-louder sound
-E sounds like A
-do if crackles
-pleural effusion
tactile fremitus
-obstructed bronchus
-pleural effusion
-atelectasis (at the collapsed site)
percuss for diaphragm
-posterior only
-3-5.5cm normal
locating findings on chest
-vertical axis- rib/ICS
-circumference of chest
-anterior axillary
-posterior axillary
lung lobes
-right lung- horizontal and oblique -> upper, middle, lower
-left lung- oblique -> upper and lower
where is the bifurcation of trachea
-2 main stem bronchus
-anterior- T2
-posterior T4
parietal pleura inflammation
-pain in chest
-lung tissue itself has no pain fibers
-point to pain sitting and laying down
-ask general question- discomfort?
-costochondritis, esophageal spasm, herpes
-is the pt sedentary? -> subconsciously modify lifestyle
adventitious lung sounds
-wheezing- musical, with or without stethoscope
-coughing- reflex to larynx, trachea, large bronchi, cardio, GI
-cough- left HF
-crackles (bubbles)
-rhonchi- snore -> bronchitis
-velcro- interstitial
-5 As
-Ask each visit
-Assess readiness to quit
-Assist- set goals, educate
-Arrange f/u to monitor and support
chest expansion
-10th rib
-asymmetric- pleural effusion
-unilateral impairement/lagging- asbestosis, silicosis, phrenic nerve damage, paralysis of hemidiaphragm, chronic fibrosis, lobar pneumonia
of places to check
-anterior- 3
-posterior- 4
-anterior- 6
-posterior- 7
-anterior- 6
-posterior- 7
-dullness- pneumonia, pleural effusion
-resonance- NORMAL
-hyperresonance- COPD, asthma, pneumothorax, bulla
-tympany- air
-air, fluid, solid
-heart- dullness to left of sternum from 3rd-5th ICS
breath sounds
-vesicular- soft and low pitch -> most of lung
-bronchial- louder and higher pitch -> manubrium
-bronchial breath sounds hear over a pneumonia
-bronchovesicular- intermediate intensity and pitch -> 1st and 2nd ICS
-tracheal- trachea
-adventitious (added) sounds- crackles (bubbles), wheezes, rhonchi
chest abnormality
-barrel- COPD, air trapping
-flail- paradoxical
-pectus excavatum- can compress heart
-pigeon- carinatum- costcochrondra can be depressed
-cancer- annual with LDCT in 50-80yo who have 20 pack year hx and currently smoke or quit within past 15 years
-latent TB screen- increase risk pts
-sleep apnea- NONE
-mucoid- clear- viral, cystic fibrosis
-purulent- bacterial pneumonia
-foul smelling- anaerobic lung abscess, bronchiectasis