public policy 3 & 4 Flashcards
3 consequences of social construction of target groups
instrumental benefits or burdens, positive or negative imaging, imaging lead to disproportionate policy measures
the advantaged
positive light on a group that excels or has significant power
the challengers
group has a lot of power, but challenges existing practices so has a negative image
the dependents
group who are in a difficult position which causes them to be dependent
the deviants
group that diverges from existing norms so have a negative image
societal / public agenda
subjects members of a community think are negotiable
institutional / political agenda
subjects from the public agenda that need political attention
decision-making agenda
subjects that need to be converted into laws
policy agenda
the final agenda
agenda universe
all subjects relevant for political discussion
policy problem
the difference of what is and what should be (benchmark)
tamed problems
we know how they are built up
untamable scientific problems
a discussion on the quality of knowledge
untamable ethical problems
shared knowledge, but differ in values
untamed political problems / wicked problems
differ in values and lack of knowledge
barrier model
problems need to overcome certain barriers; first on the public, then on the political agenda
5 characteristics barrier model
the more ambiguous, the bigger the public meaning, the more long-term, not too technical & the more unique
problem stream rational perspective
pre-problem stage, alarmed discovery, realization of costs, decline of interests & post-problem stage
advocacy coalition
different actors form a coalition to promote shared interests
policy entrepreneurs
actors trying to promote / prevent policy windows
mobilization of bias
exploitation of conflicts in the interests of others
micro bias
small group gain attention through the use of media
policy frames
underlying structures of belief, perception and appreciation to attribute social meaning to a problem
punctuated-equilibrium theory
policy processes are incremental, until a policy window opens, then they become non-incremental
politics of attention
actors are more occupied with their own views rather than responding to others
negative feedback
preventing an issue from gaining attention by; ignoring a challenge, policy monopoly, attention shifting or contradictory argumentation
positive feedback
trying to get attention to a problem by; venue shopping, mimicking, focusing events or image manipulation
kingdom model
3 streams to open a policy window
problem stream
a problem that needs attention
policy stream
a variety of ideas in the policy primeval soup
political stream
the political realm (national mood, organized political forces & elections)
causal stories
instruments used by political actors to promote their interests
mechanical cause
carries out action, but has no responsibility (unguided & intended)
accidental cause
no one is responsible (unguided & unintended)
intentional cause
direct blame (intended & purposeful)
inadvertent cause
harmful side-effects of well-intended policies (purposeful & unintended)
complex system cause
systems that are necessary complex
institutional cause
problems caused by a web of large and long-standing organizations
historic cause
social patterns tend to repeat themselves
scientists take over policy making
3 assumptions rational policy formulation
nature policy problem, type of intervention needed & formulating a set of goals / values
bounded rationality
imperfect information & limited capacity
network analysis
mapping out the actors, their positions, interests, resources & strategies
3 relevant power resources depend on
critical resource, access and control & dependency alternative resources
6 types of resources
material, financial, human, formal, social / capital & information / ICT / knowledge
7 game / strategic interactions
avoidance, coercion, competition, coalition formation, competition regulation, consensus & complexity reduction
5 networks of interdependencies
pooled, sequential, reciprocal, sequential parallel & networked
5 key elements of framing
appear to core values, personification, visualization, symbols & metaphors
logic of consequences
what effect will the policy have
logic of appropriateness
how much political and public support does the policy have