Public Opinion Flashcards
Public opinion
the values and attitudes the people have about issues, events and personalities
A person’s basic orientation to politics
Political Ideology
A set of beliefs that form ta general philosophy about government
Specific view/preference regarding a particular issue, personality or event
Freedom from government control
Equality of opporunity
People should have the freedom to pursue whatever talents and wealth their heart desires
Our system that allows its citizens to play a significant part in the government process
Example: Elections
A set of underlying orientations, ideas, beliefs
The niggas who like government intervention and economic equality, expansion of social services and the good of the consumers and the environment
Mostly crackas who generally support the social and econcomic status quo
Believes big government imposes on citizens freedoms
Liberals on foreign affairs
Oppose sending American troops
Support for international organizations
Conservatives on foreign affairs
Support of military power
Less supportive of international organizations
Political socialization
The process of forming one’s political beliefs and values
Agents of Socialization
Niggas who influence your train of thought on issues
Examples: Family, Friends, Niggas
The earliest forms of political socialization that we acquire