Public health policy Flashcards
The science of protecting and improving the health of communities. The main mission is to maintain conditions in which people can be healthy.
Public health
Carefully and properly manage and dispose of wastes to keep our environment clean and prevent the occurrence of diseases. Thoroughly check all food products before they are sold in the market. Fluoridate water to help prevent tooth decay. vaccinate the population against various sdiseases
Things public health orgs do to improve public health
The process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve their health. Examples: Educating the public about the hazards and benefits of various actions and substances. Educating people about the benefits of consuming nutritious food and leading an active lifestyle. Buidling recreation centers in different locations. suggesting techniques to improve public health such as carpooling to work or school nd appropriate use of heaters and A/Cs
health promotion
Involves direct action by government and local health organizations to curb the growth and spread of diseases. Examples: treating the water supply so it is germ-free. Providing free vaccinations to prevent ht spread of illnesses. Testing all packaged food products before they are sold
health protection
improving and promoting public health is primarily the responsibility of the government,not. The clean water supply, proper disposal of human waste, and the reduction in epidemics are al results of efforts by the government to improve public health
Governe,tns role in health policy
This organization forms the worlds largest humanitarian network. It mainly aims to help people affected by natural disasters and conflicts.
The international red cross and red crescent movement
Aims ti improve peoples lives by eduating them on topics that they normally wouldn’t know about. This organization work sin areas such as: education and youth utreah, environment, health, and HIV/ADIS
Peace corps
A speacialized agency of the UN that acts as a coordianting authority on international public health. It sets health standards and norms for countries all over the eowlrd and provide necessary support to countries in meeting those standards
world health organization (WHO)
The government creates policies that various health organizations implement.
National level
This department is th eprincipal health agency of the U.S. government and is responsible for protecting the health of all citizens and providing essential services. different departments within carry out the many of the different programs. These include the Agency for healthcare research and quality (AHRQ), National Institute of health (NIH), Centers for disease control an prevention (CDC) and many others
U.S. Department of Health and human Services (HHS)
Studies and assesses the environemnt to protect it and the people affected by any negative chang in the environment. Achieves its goal of environmental protection by taking the following steps: When congress passes a law concerning the environment, writes the rules and regulations for that aw. States meet these regulations in their own ways. If they are unable to fully comply they help them figure out how to do so. Spends half of its budget on providing grants to state environemtnaltal nonprofit organizations to help achieve the goal of a clean environment. Identifies environmental problems and tries to find solutions for them. Educates the public on ways to protect the eenvironemtn.
United states environmental protection agency (EPA)
Have their own ways of implementing national and state health policies in their communities. Activities undertaken by the local government to improve public health: Treating the water before it reaches your house. Properly managing waste. providing free vaccinations against several infectious diseases. Building drug rehabilitation centers for addicts. banning smoking in restaurants. Curbing noise pollution. Building recreation centers and parks for people. Educating on various aspects of health. Providing public transportation to reduce air and noise pollution. Providing carpooling services to reduce air pollution
Local Level
Motor vehicle safety and control of infectious diseases
Public health policies
Before you can decide upon any action or actually do something to improve public health, you need to be aware of the current health conditions of your community. Attend meetings of your city council, health coard, and school board. Read the local newspaper to gain info about the current situation. Talk to community leaders nd other people in the community about the problems they are facing, You can also tune in to local radio shows where they often discuss problems affecting the community
be infromed
You can formulate a plan or strategy for solving those issues. You can take these concerns to your school bard. The board may already have a stake in this issue and may need a student representative at it skey meetings. If not, other students with similar concerns can join you in taking this issue to higher authority ti try to solve it
Volunteer your time
Soeaking up loud and cleear to let others know about the issue and the different ways they can help you address it. Here are a few ways you can advocate for public health: Shw your support for something by practicing it yourself. Speak out about the issues of your community at public meetings. Write to the editor of your school an local newspapers to make the issues known. Bring you issues o the notice of the concerned authorities by meeting them in person or writing to them. Join a local community group that deals with public chalth issues affecting various communites
become an advocate