Influences of the environment on health Flashcards
everyhting that surrounds us including the people we live with as well as the buildings and landscape we live in. it is a big part of our life and can affect our health
The introduction of contaminates into the environemtn that cause harm to the organisms living in it. These pollutants affect different parts of the environment, the three major parts being air, land, and water. Our lives are also significantly affected by nise pollution
refers to the addition of substance other than natural components to the air, which in the form of dust, smoke, vapor, fumes, and particles.Fuel combustion is a major source. It releases carbon monoxide and particular matter. Carbon monoxide is also present tin cigarette smoke. Nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide which come from burning fossil fuels as well as from extracting metals from air are also part of the pollution
Air pollution
When an air pollutant life sulfric acid mixes and reacts with clouds, it causes acid rain. Air pollutants can also combine to form smog, which is a layer of air trapped near the ground. Some air pollutants are greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. Air pollutants can degrade the ozone layer in the atmosphere allowing harmful UV rays to reach Earth. High up in the atmosphere, ozone protects us, but closer to the Earth’s surface, this gas is dangerous. Can also cause respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.
Effects of Air pollution
Mainly polluted by industrial wastes and household garbage. Hazardous waste produced by industries includes wastes from chemical production, mining, pesticide manufacturing, and petroleum refining. Common household garbage includes food scrapes, newspapers, appliances, product packaging, furniture, clothing, bottles, paint, and batteries.
Land pollution
An waste that is inflammable (ignites easily), explosive, corrosive, or toxic. Includes motor oil, pesticides, paint thinners, batteries, and solvents used in construction, vehicles, or household tasks. Can cause cancer, birth defects, and developmental problems.
hazardous waste
The waste from our homes and other places is usually dumped in a permanent storage area. They are getting full, and were running out of space for new ones. Also, some contain hazardous wastes. If they leak into water supplies, they can harm nearby plants, animals, and humans
Runoff water carries waste from agricultural land into our water supplies. Household lceaners contain excess phosphates and chlorine which can harm plants and animals. Industrial waste bring hazardous or nonbiodegradable material to the water supply. Sediment from land erosion can clog waterways. Oil from offshore drilling as well as from household ad automotive users, can reach water supplies
Sources of water pollution
Many U.S. communties dumped household sewage directly into waterways. Now, before it can be discharged that water has to go through a process in which microorganisms break down the waste material
Clean water act of 1971
Refers to the sunds that are loud enough to damage hearing. Common sources are automobiles, aircraft, trains, equipment on construction sites, and loud music
noise pollution
Sound is measured in decibels, An average conversation is 65 decibels of sound. 85 decibels can cause temporary hearing loss. Continuous exposure to 85 or more decibels can cause permanent hearing loss
Effect of noise pollution
Whisper = 30 dB
Vacuum cleaner =70 dB
Rock concert = 120 dB
Jackhammer = 130 dB
Decibel values for some common sounds:
Drive less. use public transportation or car pool. Walk or bike to school and workAsk people not to smoke in public places. Reduce the use of small machines such as mowers, chain saws, and leaf blowers. When possible, replace those machines with manual ones, and you’ll get some exercise too. Conserving household energy by turning off lights and other appliances when they are not in use. Setting air conditioners at higher temps in the summer. Wearing extra layers of clothing instead of turning up the heat in the winter
Ways to reduce air pollution
Follow the three Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Reducing and reusing are part of whats called recycling. Reduce waste by using fewer disposable products and by purchasing products that are packaged in recyclable material. You can also buy products that have minimal packaging. Reuse: save cardboard boxes for packaging or storing items; reuse paper and plastic grocery bags or use cloth bags for your groceries; and donate unneeded clothes and furniture to a local charity. Recycling reduces the amount of water that goes into landfills and allows good to be reused. Helps preserve energy and raw material that would otherwise be used to create new products. helps keep harmful materials from reaching landfills too. Disposng of waste appropriately helps protect land and water. Many communities now have legal dump sites for hazardous waste and special days when you can bring in paint, motor oil, batteries and other hazardous household waste. Yu can conserve water by watering yards at cooler times in the day, not running water wile you brush your teeth, making sure faucets arent leaking.
Ways to reduce land and water pollution
when nutrients like nitorgen mix with a water body, they lead to excessive growth of algae which blocks light and causes har to aquatic ife
Nutrient pollution
Fewer vehicles on the road, along wth replacing small electric equipment such as lawn mower and chain saw with manual equipment.
Ways to reduce noise pollution