public health, pa and excercise Flashcards
pa reccomendations for cyp
under 1- 30 mins day tummy time
1-2 years - 180 mins a day
3-4 years - 180 mins a day
5-18 years - 60 mins a day
cyp with disabilities 20 mins a day
gov pa guidelines under 5
180 mins a day
gov pa guidelines 5-18 years
60 minutes
active lives survey young people
20.2% less than average 30 mins a day so not active
22.8 average 30-59 minutes so fairly active
47% 60 plus mins so active
childhood obesity
prevelance increasing
in year 6 prevelance increased from 21 percent in 2019/20 to 15.5 percent in 2020/21
stages of change
prochaska and diclemente
pre contemplation
school sport and activity plan 2019
children should do at least 60 mins a day
schools should ensure all pupils haveaccess to 30 mins pa a day delivered throigh pe lessens, lunchtime sport clubs
30 mins also delivered outside school
increased sugar intake globally bad etc
campaign focused on sugar swaps
studio you
research says girls enjoy pe lessons less than boys, social issues
free video based pe lessons
the daily mile
4 152 848 kids now running a mile a day
public health campaign strategies
pratt et al
population approach- produce favourable shifts in population distributions by encouraging everyone to be more active
high risk strategies- selective screening for risk factors, then theraputic interventions with the greatest risk
public health campaign strategies 2
pratt etal
Physical and policy
environment – big picture
● Community/organisational
– community campaigns
● Interpersonal – family and
non-family social support
● Intrapersonal –
individually adapted
high risk approach structured programmes
planned and organized approaches with clear protocols and goals to standardize care delivery and improve outcomes.
adherance up to 80%
safe excercise regime
individual motivation- participants know how intervention applies to them
does not fix root of societal problem
unstructured programmes, pratt
individuals have the flexibility to engage in physical activities based on their own preferences and capabilities, without strict adherence to predetermined exercise routines or protocols. These programs may allow for spontaneous activity choices and variations tailored to individual needs
- accessibility
- adherance can be similar to structured if there is high motivation
- individual motivation where participants know how the intervention applies to them
- adherance
- injury
does not fix root of societal problem
population approach pros and cons
- cost effective
- lower time demand
- can focus on groups needing help
- behavioural appropriation
- low motivation
- smaller individual benefit