Public health in the Middle Ages part 2 - The Black Death Flashcards
Where did the Black Death start?
When did the Black Death reach England and from what?
In 1348 from two ships docking in Melcombe harbour in Dorset
What was death toll of the Black Death in Europe, and Britain?
In Europe - 1/2 the pop died
Britain - I.5 million died = 1/3 of the pop
Give 3 characteristics of the bubonic plague
- fleas that lived in rats bit people and infected them
- came from the germ pastuerella pestis
- victims would get a fever and buboes (large lumps) in their armpits/ groin
Give three characteristics of the pneumonic plague
- 7/10 victims died within a week
- caught through breathing infected air
- attacked the lungs and victims would cough up blood
Give some common beliefs people thought was a cause to the Black Death
- bed smells from overflowing privies corrupting the air
- invisible fumes spreading across the country
- Saturn in junction with mars and Jupiter meant something bad
- the Jews poisoned the wells and springs
- it was a punishment from god
State three things people did to avoid the Black Death but didn’t make a difference
- marched through the streets praying god would spare them
- make candles as tall as them and burn them in a church
- carry a posey of sweet smelling herbs and spices to keep away evil smells
State three things people did to avoid the Black Death that made a difference
- clean all filth from streets by order of the king
- burn the clothes of plague victims
- limit the number of mourners at a funeral
State 3 treatments people used to cure the Black Death
- drink a mixture of vinegar and mercury
- have yourself bled to release evil spirits
- plaster the plague sores with a paste made of cooked onions and yeast
Why does reducing the amount of people at a funeral make a difference to the spread of the Black Death?
As there’s less of a chance of coming into contact with a plague victim who could sneeze or pass fleas to you
How does burning victims clothes reduce the spread of the plague?
As the fleas within the people’s clothes that carried the disease will be killed and can’t spread to anyone else
Why does making butchers responsible for cleaning animal blood and intestines make a difference to the spread of the Black Death?
As a sanitary environment makes it harder for bacteria and rats to thrive
Why does stopping people entering and exiting villages make a difference to the spread of the Black Death?
As you can prevent the victims who are infecting air and spreading the fleas from introducing them to another area
Why did the plague spread so quickly?
Street cleaning was poor
Unhygenic habits like throwing rubbish on streets attracting rats
Narrow streets meant people were close to each other
Animals were frequently on streets of towns
Strangers entered towns on market days bringing in disease
Houses were small so families shared the same living space
Give 2 short term economic impacts of the Black Death
- Inflation occurred as food prices x by 4
- there was a shortage of men and services causing peasants to get higher wages and cheaper rent
Give one long term economic impact of the Black Death
Lords that lost peasants changed to sheep farming as it was easier and reduced basic food supplies
Give two long term social impacts of the Black Death
- 1/3 of the population in England died causing many abandoned villages
- there was less of the older population
Give some short term social impacts of the Black Death
- Food in villages was left unharvested
- there was persecution of minorities like beggars and foreigners due to Black Death misconceptions
Give 3 long term cultural impacts of the Black Death
- 50% of clergy died in villages
- the feudal structure broke down as peasants were looking around for better pay
- opinions towards the Catholic Church changed as churchmen left their villages
Give 2 long term political impacts of the Black Death
- in 1351 king Edward released the statute of labourers meaning peasants had to accept wages
- peasants got fined if they left the village they were bound to
Give a short term political impact of the Black Death
The peasants revolt of 1381 as peasant tax increases due to there being less of them
Give some points to argue the statement that ‘the number of people who died was the most important consequence of the Black Death’
1\3 of the population died causing basic food supplies to be reduced and villages became abandoned as peasants left them
The feudal system was also broken down (linkage to peasants leaving the villages)
Peasants were asking for higher pay
The king released the statute of labourers