Public health example questions Flashcards
There are three main behaviours related to health: Specify
the three types of health related behaviours and provide an
example of each: (6 marks)
* Health Behaviour: a behaviour aimed to prevent disease
(e.g. eating healthily)
* Illness Behaviour: a behaviour aimed to seek remedy
(e.g. going to the doctor)
* Sick role Behaviour: any activity aimed at getting well
(e.g. taking prescribed medications; resting)
Theory of planned behaviour (Ajzen, 1988) suggests
that behaviours are governed by our intentions to
carry out target behaviours. Specify the three
factors that influence our intentions and give an
example of each with reference to smoking
cessation (6 marks)
* Attitudes
* Subjective norm
* Perceived behavioural control
. Transtheoretical model, or stages of change model
(Prochaska & DiClemente, 1984) specifies five
sequential stages that an individual will pass
through in order for behaviour change to occur.
Which of the below is the third stage?
a) maintenance
b) Preparation
c) contemplation
d) action
e) Precontemplation
Considering the NICE guidelines on behaviour change -
Interventions to change health related behaviour should work
in partnership with individuals, communities, organisations
and populations. Identify three typical transition points
whereby interventions are likely to be more effective: (3
* leaving school,
* entering the workforce
* becoming a parent
* becoming unemployed
* retirement and bereavement