Public health approaches for health Flashcards
Definition of dental public health (1)
“the science and art of preventing oral diseases, promoting oral health and improving quality of life through the organised efforts of society”
There are a number of distinctions from DPH and individual patient care (5)
Serves the community rather than an individual patient
Is concerned with the public as individuals & as a whole
Applies dental research to community settings
Focuses on the causes of the causes of disease
Administers group dental care programs
Criteria that must be met to be considered a public health problem (4)
Must be widespread or serious
Severe consequences to community & individuals
Costs to community and to individuals are great
Effective methods available to prevent, alleviate or cure
Different perspectives of periodontal diseases (6)
Gingivitis & periodontitis are not same disease
Gingivitis is common - doesn’t inevitably lead to periodontitis
<10% of people get severe periodontitis
Gingivitis seldom causes discomfort or loss of function
If the burst theories are true its hard to distinguish periodontitis from its legacy
-i.e., you cannot distinguish who has got periodontitis from those who have had periodontitis.
-it’s hard to diagnose periodontitis
Periodontitis is not the major cause of tooth loss
Aetiological factors for periodontal diseases (4)
Dental restorations and prostheses
‘ARMPITS’ for dental health (1)
Retention throughout life of a functional, aesthetic, natural dentition of not less than 20 teeth and not requiring recourse to a prosthesis
Possible public health approaches for periodontal diseases (5)
Health education Chemotherapeutic approaches Screening Dental treatment Health promotion
Health education (7)
Repeated systematic reviews show small, short-lived effect on oral hygiene from Dental Health Education
At population level is relatively ineffective & very expensive
Knowledge, Attitude, Behaviour (KAB) model now discredited
Individuals constrained in ability to change behaviour
But people already make effort to clean teeth
80 - 90% brush twice daily
Incorporate personal hygiene & grooming into socialisation
Chemotherapeutic approaches (1)
No real place for entire populations
Screening for early diagnosis and treatment (4)
Screening is not justified
No valid methods to assess risk
Seems to be gradient of greater risk rather than cut off point
Treatment is expensive and not very effective
Clinical treatment for periodontal diseases (5)
At best only moderately effective for individuals
Removal of calculus not shown to improve progression of periodontitis
Professional cleaning at 3-6 month intervals not significant improvement
Benefit for an entire population attenuated by low attendance, sub-optimal Rx etc
Cost for entire population is huge
Periontal health promotion based on principles of the Ottowa Charter (5)
Create supportive environments -better washrooms at work -socialisation re grooming -fiscal to make OH aids cheaper Healthy public policies -improve standards of living -tobacco use Strengthen community action -educate community leaders -diverse community wide approaches integreated into general HP Develop personal skills -refusal skills Reorientate health services -referral to Stop Smoking Services -less plaque retentive restorations/ dentures
Dental trauma stats (1)
Experienced by up to 23% of children
Risk factors dental trauma (7)
Orthodontic problems Contact sports Violence Deprivation – crowding Falls Traffic and bike accidents Poor environment
Assault stats (3)
Inversely correlated with price of alcohol!
North West/South East split
Public health approaches for trauma based on principles of the Ottowa Charter (5)
Create supportive environments -soft surfaces in play areas -socialisation re antisocial behaviour -CCTV for early detection/ fast response Healthy public policies -mouth-guards for sports Strengthen community action -anti social behaviour programmes -move fast food outlets Develop personal skills -socialisation -alcohol education Reorientate health services -organisation of dental services
Oral cancer stats (4)
In UK approx. 12,000 new cases of H&N cancer per year, 3% of all cancers Sex difference and interaction with social class Ethnic differences related to tobacco use No marked improvements in cure rates for years though Rx improves QoL in interim
Risk factors for oral cancer (6)
Tobacco Alcohol Premalignant lesions Sunlight Trauma Human Papilloma Virus
Public health approaches for cancer based on the principles of the Ottowa charter (5)
Create supportive environments -fiscal action vs tovacco and alcohol -restrict tobacco use in public places -use of sun-block Healthy public policies -improve standards of living Strengthen community action -action against tobacco use -educate community leaders Develop personal skills -diverse community wide approaches integrated into general HP -alcohol and smoking education Reorientate health services -early diagnosis