Public Health and Pharmacy Flashcards
What are the two public health outcomes?
1) Increased healthy life expectancy
2) Reduced differences in life expectancy and healthy life expectancy between communities
What are the 4 domains of public health?
1) Improving the wider determinants of health
2) Health improvement
3) Health protection
4) Healthcare, public health and preventing premature mortality
Name some areas in the 1st domain of public health…
- Child poverty
- Pupil absence
- Youth offending
- Employment
- Violent crime
Name some areas in the 3rd domain of public health…
- Chlamydia diagnoses
- Vaccine coverage
- Plans for health protection incidents and emergencies
Name some areas in the 2nd domain of public health…
- Breastfeeding
- Teenage pregnancies
- Excess weight
- Self harm
- Diabetes
- Alcohol related admissions
- Cancer screening
- Falls in over 65’s
Name some areas in the 4th domain of public health…
- Infant mortality
- CVD mortality
- Cancer mortality
- Suicide rates
- Emergency readmissions
- Winter deaths
WHO state 5 key principles to health promotion, what are they?
1) Involve population as a whole
2) Directed towards determinants of health to ensure environment promotes health
3) Combines different methods e.g communication, education, law etc…
4) Support public participation and self awareness to encourage to find own way to manage health
5) Health professionals role = promote health
Health and Social Care Act 2012 looks to…
- Make public healthier
- Encourage discussions and advise government
- Support action by local government, NHS and other organisations
Healthy Living Pharmacies must have a…
Healthy Living Champion
What does the Medical approach to health promotion consist of?
- Health defined as absence of disease
- Aim to reduce morbidity and premature mortality
PRIM PREVENT: Prevent onset of disease (immunise)
SEC PREVENT: Identify early to prevent disease progression e.g cervical screening
TERT PREVENT: Reduce further disability and suffering in those already ill e.g rehab
What are the 5 approaches and models to health promotion?
1) Medical
2) Behaviour change
3) Educational
4) Empowerment
5) Social change
What does the behavioural change approach to health promotion consist of?
1) Encourage to adopt healthy lifestyles
2) Can be seen as expert led - blame individual
3) Motivational interviewing
What does the educational approach to health promotion consist of?
1) Provide knowledge and information so can make informed choice
2) Doesn’t try to persuade
3) Mass media campaigns
4) Knowledge -> Attitude -> Behaviour
What does the empowerment approach to health promotion consist of?
1) Identify own concerns and gain skills to act
2) Individual or community
3) Health promotor ‘gets things going’ e.g support healthy eating initiatives
What does the social change approach to health promotion consist of?
1) Focus on policy/environmental level
2) Focus on causes ill health
3) Changes in physical, social and economic environment
4) Difficult to bring about
5) Smoking ban in pubs, banning vending machines in schools
What is the Standardised Mortality Ratio?
- Death rate taking into account differences in age structure compared to what would be expected in this group if national averages applied
- ## Overall avg for England = 100
What is Infant Mortality Rate? (IMR)
- Number of deaths in first year of life per 1000 live births
Name 4 objective measures of health:
1) Health measures (height, weight, teeth missing)
2) Health behaviour indicators (smoking, drinking)
3) Environmental measures (air and water, housing)
4) Socio-economic indicators (wealth, services, crime)
Name 4 subjective measures of health:
1) Functional ability (everyday activities)
2) Health status (SF-36 questionnaire, QALY life expectancy and quality of years gained)
3) Psychological well-being (depression, mental state, life satisfaction)
4) Social networks and social support (degree to which function as a community)
What are PROMs?
- Patient reported outcome measures
- Standardised, validated questionnaires
- Completed by patients to measure perception of own functional status and well-being
e.g before and after elective surgery
List 5 factors that can have protective or pro development involvement in mental health…
1) Individual factors (morals, social skills, nutrition, health, self esteem, illness)
2) Family factors (Supportive, small fam size, single parent, violence, supervision)
3) School (belonging, bullying, behaviour, peer group)
4) Life events (partner, economic stability, divorce, abuse, illness, death)
5) Community/cultural (Connectedness, identify, community group, violence, housing, isolation)
Experiencing __ or more stressful life events e.g family bereavement, divorce, serious illness puts you at higher risk of poor mental health and well being.
What is the pharmacists role in prevention of poor mental health..
- recognise signs and symptoms of at risk groups
- referral/signposting if worried
- promote good MH lifestyle (exercise, diet, positivity, mindfulness)
- medicines education
- non-pharmacological therapies (CBT etc…)
- support groups (dementia friends, etc…)