Public Health Flashcards
Define health
a state of complete physical, social and mental wellbeing, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
Define epidemiology
the study of the distribution and determinants of diseases among populations
concerned with frequency + pattern of health events
Define primary prevention
reduce disease incidence + prevalence
Define secondary prevention
screening + treatment
Define tertiary prevention
reduce suffering
prevent complications
What is meant by frequency and pattern of health events?
frequency = number of health events (rate = with regards to size of population, allowing for comparison)
pattern = occurrence of health-related events by time, place + person
What is a reservoir of infection?
any person, animal, arthropod, plant, soil, or
substance in which the disease agent normally lives or multiplies
What is a transmission pathway?
mechanism by which a infectious agent is spread from a source (reservoir) to a susceptible individual
Describe 4 methods to prevent community-acquired infection
reduce susceptible population = immunisation
reduce infectious population = diagnosis + treatment of infected individuals
reduce person-to-person spread = handwashing, food hygiene, safe sex
preventing animal-to-human spread = pasteurise milk, killing of infected livestock, treat animals
What does surveillance allow us to do?
describe burden of disease
detect sudden changes in disease occurrence + distribution
monitor changes in disease prevalence over time
identify priorities
inform programmes + policies
evaluate prevention + control efforts
develop hypotheses + stimulate research
Define incidence
rate of occurrence of new cases
conveys info about risk of contracting disease
Define prevalence
proportion of cases in the population at a give time
indicates how widespread disease is/burden
Define mortality rate
measure of frequency of occurrence of death in a defined population during a specified interval
Define case fatality rate
measure of deaths assigned to a specific cause during a given time interval, relative to the total number of cases
Define outbreak
sudden increase in occurrences of a disease
Define endemic
habitual presence (usual occurrence) of a disease within a given geographical area
Define pandemic
an epidemic which is spreading around the world affecting many people across many countries
Define epidemic
a serious outbreak in a single population, community or region
What is ICD?
international classification of diseases
What is GBD?
global burden of disease
study that summarises global surveillance data
Benefits of physical activity
increased cardiovascular health increased cognitive performance increased bone health reduced stress increased confidence + self-esteem
What are the UK guidelines for physical activity for children and adults?
children = active 60 mins/day
adults = active 150 mins/week moderate intensity (can talk, but not sing) OR 75 mins/week vigorous intensity (can barely talk)
adults should do physical activity to increase muscle strength at least 2x/week
limit sedentary behaviour
What is sedentary behaviour?
waking behaviour where sitting/lying = dominant posture
energy expenditure very low
eg. screen time, motorised transport, sitting to work/read
can be sedentary + active, sedentary + inactive, active + not sedentary, and inactive + not sedentary
Why should physical activity be promoted in healthcare?
large population reach
trusted source of health advice
primary + secondary prevention