PT 1 Flashcards
Exercises for pregnant women to avoid
repetitive jumping, hopping, skipping, or bouncing, deep knee bends, full sit-ups, double-leg raises, straight leg toes touches, supine and prone positions after first trimester
Exercise guidelines for postpartum women
start slowly, avoid excessive fatigue and dehydration, wear supportive bra, stop if pain occurs
Visual cues with hands
Pat leg - lead leg open thumb and pinky - stay in place point all fingers one way - shift to this direction move hands up and down - march in place hold a fist in air - hold this position make fist with hole in air - progression or regression touch nose - breathe in through nose touch mouth - breathe out through mouth thumb up - positive reinforcement
Exercising in the cold considerations
Wear several layers of clothing, allow ventilation of sweat, don’t wear garments that won’t allow evaporation like cotton, wear clothes that give off heat and retain body heat when inactive
Creating memorable experiences
Creating themes, using music, and using positive language
Hearing - good music
Smell - aromatherapy
Taste - mints or ‘good in taste’ like inclusive language
Sight - attire, light, environment for pleasing aesthetic
Touch - physical touch
Biomechanically sound upper-posture
- feet shoulder width apart w/o excessive pro/supination
- symmetry on both sides with no lateral shifting
- arms hang with equal space
- forward oriented kneecaps
Choreographic methods
scripted, performance like, no participant predictability, little room for pro/regressions, offers guidelines and suggestions
Transtheoretical model of behavior change
Precontemplation - increase awareness of inactive risks
Contemplation - get involved in some activity
Preparation - regularly participate
Action - maintain regular activity as a habit
Maintenance - maintain interest in activity
Intrinsic v Extrinsic motivation
extrinsic - comes from external sources like rewards
intrinsic - engaged for inherent pleasure
TVA responsibilities
Compress abdominus, draw in navel, core bracing
Osteoarthritis Guidelines
Avoid rigorous exercise during flare-ups Stop exercise if pain is too severe Small amounts of discomfort is okay Perform adequate warm up Start with light aerobic exercise Dynamic flexibility Adequate cool down Water aerobic in 83-88 degrees Start with bilateral exercises then progress to unilateral Perform activation exercises
5 Primary Movement Patters
Push, Pull, Bend and Lift, Single leg, rotation
Osteoporosis Guidelines
group strength, dance-based fitness, step training, treadmill classes, balance exercise
Teaching Styles
Command Style - makes all decisions on posture, rhythm, duration
Practice Style - provides opportunities for individualization, and allows the GFI to walk around and help people working at their own level
Self Check Style - relies on participants to provide their own feedback. Emphasize target heart rate and recovery using RPE and talk test
Dyspnea Scale
Reflects difficulty of breathing
+1 - mild, noticeable to exerciser, but not to observer
+2 - mild, some difficulty noticeable to observer
+3 - Moderate difficulty, can continue to exercise
+4 - Severe difficulty, stop exercising
Music Tempo Guidelines
< 100 - background music for slower, mind-body classes
100-122 - beginner step classes or cycling
122-129 - Group Strength, advanced step
130-160 - faster paced classes like dance
Scaling Exercise Intensity
offering progressions and regressions
Technical Difficulties
- Bring extra batteries
- Have back up music options
- close eyes for imagery of lights don’t dim
- don’t teach movement based classes if lights don’t work
holding the first lead leg for two counts and then rushing the rest of the movement on 3 and 4
Erector Spinae
Spinal Extension - lifting upper body when in in prone
Rectus Abdominus
Spinal Flexion
Exercise for Older Adults
- perform extended warm-up and cool-down
- incorporate daily movement patterns
- barefoot balance training
- cognitive exercise, like single-arm catching
Teaching Strategies
Slow to Fast/Half Time - start slow, then speed up
Repetition-Reduction - reducing repetitions
Part to whole - breaks down movements into isolation before integration
Simple to Complex - layering, encouraging participants to be challenged