Psycopathy Flashcards
Psychopathic Traits
Lack of empathy and remorse
Disregards wishes/feelings/rights of others
Frequently manipulative and deceitful
Use people instrumentally
Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD)
Focuses more on behaviour rather than core personality traits
Pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood
Must be 18+ and show evidence of CD before 15
Must not be present with antisocial behaviour exclusively during course of schizophrenia or a manic episode
Associated with psychopathy but not equivalent
Sometimes referred to as….
- Psychological
- Inate
- More cold, calculated
Antisocial Personality Disorder
- Behaviour
- Social context
- More reactive, emotional
ASPD traits
Must present with at least 3 of the following:
- Failure to conform to social norms
- Deceitfulness
- Impulsivity
- Irritability & Aggressiveness
- Reckless disregard for safety of self or others
- Consistent irresponsibility
- Lack of remorse
Argued that this could describe many criminals
Conduct Disorder (CD)
In children, it’s a repetitive and persistent pattern of behaviour in which the basic rights of others or major age appropriate societal norms or rules are violated (aggression to people/animals, destruction or property, deceitfulness or theft, serious violations of rules)
Psychopathy Defined
A cluster of characteristics
- Behavioural
- Affective (emotional)
- Interpersonal
Factor 1
Facet 1: Interpersonal
- Superficial charm
- Grandiose sense of self-worth
- Pathological lying
- Cunning & manipulative
Factor 1
Facet 2: Affective
- Lack of remorse or guilt
- Shallow affect
- Callous / lack of empathy
- Failure to accept responsibility
- Psychopaths can read emotions but may not ful,y understand
Factor 2 - Social Deviance
Facet 3: Lifestyle
- Need for stimulation
- Prone to boredom
- Parasitic lifestyle
- Lack of realistic long-term goals
- Impulsivity
- Irresponsibility
Factor 2 - Social Deviance
Facet 4: Antisocial
- Poor behaviour controls
- Early behavioural problems
- Juvenile delinquency
- Revocation of conditional release
Measuring Psychopathy
The Hare Psychopathy Checklist
- 20 items measuring the presence and strength of characteristics as reported by clinicians
- Possible scores of 0-40
- Scores >30 indicate psychopathy
- 2 main factors (4 facets)
Additional items on checklist not included in the four facets
- Promiscuous sexual behaviour
- Many short-term marital relationship
-> contributes to the checklist score
Psychopathy - behaviour or emotional?
- Not the display of antisocial behaviour
- Instead it is the emotional impairment
Agression in Psychopaths
An emotional disorder
- If it develops into its full form, puts the individual at risk of repeated displays of extreme antisocial behaviour, which can involve:
“reactive aggression”
“instrumental aggression” - cold, calculated
Incidence Rates (CD & ASPD)
Community Samples
CD: males 6-16% / females 2-9%
ASPD: males 3% / females 1%
Forensic Samples
ASPD: males 45-60% (much lower in females)
How common are psychopaths?
Rates for psychopathy much lower
- Only 1/4 of those with ASPD meet criteria for psychopathy
- Estimated at males 0.75%
Are Psychopaths more likely to reoffend?
Psychopaths do reoffend at higher rates
Recidivism rates
Recidivism rates are 3 times higher
Violent recidivism rates are 3-5 times higher
Sexual assault & Psychopaths
More likely to be violent when committing sexual assault
More likely to be sexually aroused from the violence
Are Psychopathic criminals more likely to murder a stranger?
Higher likelihood of being a stranger (calculated homicide)
Whereas non-psychopaths are more likely to kill someone they know (more emotionally charged situation)
Is there association between Socio Economic Status and antisocial behaviour?
Studies have shown a relation between the two.
SES association seems to be with Factor 2: Social Deviant behaviour
Are psychopaths intelligent?
Urban Myth - no evidence
Factor 2: Social Deviant Behaviour
- Linked with lower intelligence levels and lower levels of schooling
What connection does Psychopathy have with Depression & Anxiety?
Factor 1: Interpersonal/Affective
- Inversely related to depression & anxiety
- The more you tick from these facets, the less likely you are to be depressed/anxious
Factor 2: Social Deviance
- Associated with higher anxiety
Is substance abuse related to Psychopathy?
YES - Factor 2: Social Deviance
Psychopathy: Nature
Nature (Genetics)
- Sons of psychopathic mothers at high risk
- Twin-studies show heritability
- However, no more “heritable” than depression or anxiety (both which are treatable)
Can you predict psychopathy in childhood?
Issues with labelling children as “psychopath” (which is an adult personality disorder)
Childhood Conduct Disorder - children with CD do not always become adult psychopaths
McDonald’s predictive triad for psychopathy in children
- Bed-wetting
- Fire-lighting
- Cruelty to animals
- Not well supported by empirical research
Psychopathy: Nurture
The Environment
- Severe parental rejection
- Lack of parental affection
- Inconsistency in discipline and teaching responsibility
- Absent father
- If child shows no emotions, it is harder to form emotional bond
- Increased levels of rejection of child
- Punishments become harsher
Can you treat Psychopathy?
- Still searching for organic basis of the condition
- Psychological treatment is often enabling
- Skills training
- Early intervention (promising research with eye contact)
Can having psychopathic tendencies be an advantage?
Dr Kevin Dutton “Successful Psychopaths”
Good things
- Fearless
- Confident
- Charismatic
- Ruthless
- Focused