psychosis Flashcards
psychotic disorder characterized by patients who lose touch w/ reality
symptoms that are more than what a normal person experiences
positive symptoms
patterns of thought or speech that others cannot follow or make sense of
disordered thought or speech
symptoms that make a patient’s experience less than other people’s
negative symptoms
characterized by mainly positive symptoms
paranoid type
largely dominated by negative symptoms
disorganized type
patients either entirely immobile or in motion w/ no purposes
catatonic type
patients who have symptoms of schizophrenia but cannot be classified into any of the other types
undifferentiated type
patients who have positive symptoms, but at a very low intensity
residual type
beginning phase of schizophrenia where non-psychotic symptoms start to appear
prodromal phase
also known as acute phase, psychotic symptoms become obvious and in full bloom
active phase
involves having delusions that could happen in real life
delusional disorder
an individual believes that another person, usually of higher status, is in love with him/her
Erotomanic type
patient have an overinflated sense of wealth, power, and fame
grandiose type
people with jealous delusions are completely convinced that their spouses or romantic partners have been unfaithful, they try to find evidence of affairs
jealous type
people w/ this type believe someone or something is mistreating, spying on, or attempting to harm them
persecutory type
people claim to be ill even though they are not
somatic type
a combination of other types of delusional disorders
mixed type
delusions do not fall under the first five types
unspecified type
a mental illness that is a combination of a mood disorder
schizoaffective disorder
a patient has more than one disease
a mental illness that involves psychotic
symptoms like hallucinations and delusions that last for at least one day
but no longer than a month
brief psychotic disorder
a mental disorder that involves a break from reality
psychotic disorder