Psychosis Flashcards
A relatively mild mental illness that is not caused by organic disease, involving symptoms of stress (depression, anxiety, obsessive behaviour, preoccupation with physical illnesses) but not a radical loss of touch with reality.
Psychosis can be defined as grossly impaired reality testing .i.e. persons incorrectly evaluate the accuracy of their thoughts and perceptions and make incorrect inferences about external reality, even in the presence of contrary evidence.
key features of psychosis
lack of insight
key features of psychotic disorders
delusions hallucinations disorganized thinking negative symptoms catatonia
psychotic disorders
Schizophreniform psychosis Schizophrenia Schizoaffective disorder Bipolar disorder Brief psychotic disorder Psychosis secondary to another medical condition Substance-induced psychosis
: fixed, firmly held, false belief which is not amenable to change even in the face of contradictory evidence. The belief is out of keeping with that of the individual’s cultural group and is not an article of faith or a religious belief.
themes of delusion
religious grandiose somatic referential nihilistic
bizarre vs non bizarre delusions
non bizarre- untrue but possible
bizarre- implausible and not understandable to same culture peers
bizarre delusions
though withdrawal
though insertion
delusions of control
thought broadcasting
systematized delusion
forms an association of ideas that fit into a coherent narrative
poorly or non associated ideas
list 11 causes of delusions
Schizophrenia Bipolar Disorder Delusional disorder Schizoaffective disorder Dementia Delirium Neoplasms Epilepsy Traumatic brain injury Vitamin deficiencies (pellagra) Endocrinopathies (thyroid, etc.)
a sensory perception that has a compelling sense of reality of a true perception but without external stimulations
what is incoherence
speech that is so severely disorganized
answer to a question but it obliquely or completely unrelated
derailment/ loosening of associations
jumping from topic to topic
characteristic of schizophrenia
formal thought disorder
loss of normal flow of thought
flight of ideas is jumping from topic to topic but with some connecting idea
flight of ideas is a characteristic of mania
pattern of speech that is indirect nd delayed in reaching its goal because of excessive and irrelevant detail
common causes of hallucinations
auditory- schizo(they third person and command hallucination)
, bipolar, schizoaffective, substance abuse, dementia, tumors
visual- delirium, stroke
olfactory and gustatory- epilepsy
tactile- alcohol withdrawal
somatic- substance abuse, schizophrenia
Catatonia: Decreased reactivity to the environment. Decreased mobility to complete unawareness or …purposeless and unstimulated excessive motor activity (‘catatonic excitement’); Features include:-Rigidity and maintenance of postures (‘waxy flexibility’); Negativism: active resistance to instructions or attempts to move them; Posturing: assuming bizarre postures;
Echolalia- imitating someone’s sounds or words and echopraxia- imitating someone’s actions
causes of catatonia
metabolic- hypercalcemia, DKA, hepatic encephalopathy
neurological disorder: CVA, neoplasm, head trauma
negative symptoms of schizophrenia
loss of volition loss of motivation spontaneous behavior social withdrawal anhedonia alogia
bipolar disorder type 1
episodes of mania and less severe depression
bipolar disorder type 2
episodes of hypomania and possibly more severe depression
how do we assess severity of catatonia
bush Francis scale
an actual external stimulus is misperceived or misinterpreted.