Psychopathology week 1 lecture slides Flashcards
Define abnormal and normal
normal: A standard, pattern, or rule bywhich things might be measured orjudged
Abnormal: A deviation from what is standard, regular, usual, or typical
The concept of abnormality must occur within a ______?
Name the 8 main models of abnormal behaviour
Bonus for other 5 from Craighead et al)
Statistical Model
Medical Model
Cognitive Model
Humanistic Model
Cultural Model
Subjective Distress Model
Biological Model
Need for Treatment
Harmful Dysfunction
The ______ model of psychological disorders is defined as the _____ from the population average
The medical model of normality is the _______ of disease
List the steps in psychological formulation
Predisposing factors
Precipitating factors
Psychological problem
The two main classification systems are…
DSM advantages
System of classification of mental disorders
Common method for defining disorders arriving at diagnostic judgements
Suggests response patterns that may covary
What are the 4 main criticisms of the DSM?
Medicalisation of normality
Neglect of the attenuation paradox
Unsupported retention of a categorical model
What are the 4 rationales and justifications for a categorical model?
Tradition and credibility
The DSM-5 definition of a mental disorder
A mental disorder is a syndrome characterized by clinically significant disturbance in an individual’s cognition, emotion regulation, or behavior that reflects a dysfunction in the psychological, biological, or developmentalprocesses underlying mental functioning. Mental disorders are usually associated with significant distress or disability in social, occupational, or other important activities. An expectable or culturally approved response to common stressor or loss, such as death of a loved one, is not a mentaldisorder. Socially deviant behaviour(e.g., political, religious, or sexual) and conflicts that are primarily between the individual and society are notmental disorders unless deviance of conflict results from a dysregulation inthe individual, as described above.
p. 20 (APA,2013)
List 5 myths regarding psychiatric diagnosis
Misconception #1: Mental illness is amyth
Misconception #2: Psychiatric diagnosis is merely pigeonholing
Misconception #3: Psychiatric diagnoses are unreliable
Misconception #4: Psychiatric diagnoses areinvalid
Misconception #5: Psychiatric diagnoses stigmatizepeople,and often result in self-fulfilling prophecies
Why diagnose?
Clear communication with other health professionals
Helps to identify current presenting problems in context of other disorders
Provides info about client’s clinical profile, lab findings, natural history, and possible response to treatment
Treatment planning
Reporting requirements (access to funding)
What are the 3 steps to diagnose?
Gather data
Interpret data
Think about base rates
What are Dimensional Models?
Mainly for personality disorders, with extreme distance from normal population considered indicators of psychopathology
In personality pathology, dimensional models of personality disorders (also known as the dimensional approach to personality disorders, dimensional classification, and dimensional assessments)conceptualize personality disorders as quantitatively rather than qualitatively different from normal personality.