Psychopathology - Clinical characteristics Flashcards
Definition of a Phobia
A persistent, intense & irrational fear of certain situations or objects.
- fear is out of proportion to danger
- causes distress and interferes with day to day life
- person goes to great lengths to avoid thing they are afraid of
Main types of phobia
Specific phobias
= of specific objects or situations (spiders, flying)
Social phobia
= fear of embarrassment or humiliation in a public or social situation
= a persistent fear of certain environments, often due to crowdedness
or openness
Emotional symptoms of phobias
- intense feelings of panic
- excessive & disproportionate feelings of fear
Behavioural symptoms of phobias
- person goes to great lengths to avoid phobic stimulus or
escape as soon as possible - if situation cannot be avoided, person may shake, cry, scream etc.
Cognitive symptoms of phobias
- may be distorted thinking about the phobic stimulus
- person is aware that their fear is irrational (not a delusional disorder)
Definition of major (unipolar) depression
Characterised by depressed mood and diminished interest or pleasure in activities.
At least 5 key symptoms of depression must be experienced every day for at least two weeks before diagnosis of depression considered.
Emotional symptoms of depression
- low mood or feelings of hopelessness
- irritability & anger
Behavioural symptoms of depression
- lack of energy and inactivity
- sleep problems (insomnia or sleeping excessively)
- changes in appetite (increased or decreased appetite)
Cognitive symptoms of depression
- Distorted negative thinking
(usually extremely negative e.g. “I am unloveable”) - Thoughts of death (as release or suicidal thoughts)
- poor concentration
- poor memory
Bipolar depression & symptoms
Type of depression where people experience periods of the same symptoms as depression and depressed moods
also have phases of MANIA where they may show symptoms of;
- elated mood
- delusions (e.g. Thinking you have a superpower)
- risk taking behaviour (e.g. Gambling)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) definition
OCD is an anxiety disorder in which a person experiences persistent, intrusive thoughts (O) that they find extremely unpleasant and upsetting.
Thoughts are about topics they find repugnant or revolting.
The person may have the uncontrollable urge to engage in behaviours (C) to stop the thoughts and prevent the feared event.
- often severely disrupts day-to-day functioning
What is an obsession?
Persistent & intrusive thoughts that are unpleasant or upsetting
e.g. Thoughts about germs and contamination causing illness
What is a compulsion?
The uncontrollable urge to engage in certain behaviours (often repetitive)
e.g. Repetitively washing hands to remove germs, repeating certain
Emotional symptoms of OCD
- intense anxiety or feelings of panic when intrusive thoughts
occur or if prevented form carrying out compulsive ️
behaviours - the person may feel guilt & disgust at the thoughts they are having
Behavioural symptoms of OCD
- time spent on compulsive behaviours can have serious effect
in ability to work or maintain social relationships - Avoidance
- person may go to great lengths to avoid things that may trigger
their obsessional thinking
- person may go to great lengths to avoid things that may trigger