Psychopathology - abnormality (1) Flashcards
deviation from social norms and Failure to function adequately
what are the definitions of abnormality
- Deviation from social norms
- failure to function adequately
- statistical infrequency
- deviation from ideal mental health
what is mean by deviation from social norms
Concerns behaviour that is different from the accepted standards of behaviour in a community or society
What are the strengths for using deviation from social norms as a definition of abnormality
- Developmental norms
- protects society
- social dimensions to abnormality
Explain how developmental norms are a strength of using deviation from social norms as a definition for abnormality
Deviation from social norms allows for developmental norm for example age it may be normal for a 1 year old to be carried everywhere by their parents but this would be considered abnormal for a 50 year old.
Explain how social dimesion is a strength of using deviation from social norms as a definition for abnormality
deviation from social norms allows for social dimesion which welcomes the idea that social situations or interactions may cause abnormal behaviour.
Explain how protecting society is a strength of using deviation from social norms as a definition for abnormality
deviation from social norms protects society by protecting them from the effects that an individual’s abnormal behaviour can have on others.
What are the limitations of using deviation from social norms as a definition of abnormailty
- changes over time
- subjective
- cultural differences
Explain how changing over time is a limitation of using deviation from social norms as a definition for abnormality
social norms vary tremendously from one generation to the next so therefore what is an abnormal behaviour in one time isn’t in the next.
eg. Homosexuality wasnt removed from the ICD until the 1990’s
the ICD is the International Classification of Diseases which is maintained by the world health organisation
Explain how cultural differences is a limitation of using deviation from social norms as a definition for abnormality
social norms are different across and within cultures therefore it is difficult to establish when they are being broken. This definition is therefore culturally relative. This means that the meaning or interpretation of behaviour is specific to that culture. The interpretation may differ between cultures.
eg. Hearing voices is socially acceptable in some cultures but in the UK it would be seen as a sign of mental abnormality.
Explain how subjectivity is a limitation of using deviation from social norms as a definition for abnormality
social norms tend to be based on the opinion of the ruling elites in society rather than the majority, therefore they are not real. A true definition of abnormality should be objective without subjective interpretation.
what is meant by failure to function adequately
Occurs when someone is unable to cope with ordinary demands of day-to-day living
what classification is used to determine whether someone is classed as abnormal through the definition of failure to function adequately
Rosenhan and Seligman (1989)
who suggested that personal dysfunction has seven features. The more a person has, the more likely they are to be classed as abnormal.
What are the 7 features of Rosehan and Seligman’s failure to function adequately criteria
- personal distress
- Maladaptive behaviour
- unpredictability
- irrationality
- observer discomfort
- violation of moral standards
- unconventionality
in the exam you will be expect to know and explain 3
Failure to function adequately
Explain what is meant by personal distress
and include an example
A key feature of abnormality; this includes depression and anxiety disorders
eg. not being able to hold down a job and so having a limited income.
Failure to function adequately
Explain what is meant by maladaptive behaviour
Behaviour stopping an individual achieving their goals.
Failure to fuction adequately
Explain what is meant by unpredictability
and include an example
Displaying unexpected behaviours characterised by loss of control.
eg. quitting a course after getting one bad mark in a test
Failure to function adequately
Explain what is meant by irrationality
displaying behaviour that cannot be explained in a rational way
Failure to function adequately
Explain what is meant by observer discomfort
and include an example
Displaying behaviour that causes discomfort to observers
eg. not keeping good hygiene so it is unpleasant to be around that person
Failure to function adequately
Explain what is meant by violations of moral standards
and include an example
Displaying behaviour violating society’s moral standards
eg. loudly talking to oneself in the street
failure to function adequately
Explain what is meant by unconventionality
Displaying unconventional behaviours
What are the strengths of using failure to function adequately as a definition of abnormality
- personal prespective is recognised
- observable behaviour
- assesses the degree of abnormality
Explain how personal perspective being recognised is a strength of using failure to function adaquately as a definition for abnormality
This means that mental disorders can be regarded from the perception of the individuals suffering from them.
Explain how having observable behaviour is a strength of using failure to function adaquately as a definition for abnormality
It focuses on observable behaviour and therefore allows judgements by others as to whether individuals are functioning properly.
The presence of the checklist provides individuals with a practical checklist of their behaviour
Explain how assessing the degree of abnormality is a strength of using failure to function adaquately as a definition for abnormality
The GAF is measured on a continuous scale therefore it allows people to be a little or a lot abnormal which allows a judgement on the level of wellness.
Clinicians assess how individuals cope with everyday life using the Global Assessment of Functioning Scale (GAF). This rates their functioning in the areas of social, occupational and psychological.
What are the limitations of using failure to function adequately as a definition of abnormality
- normal abnormality
- cultural differences
- abnormality does not always mean disfunction
Explain how normal abnormalities are limitations of using failure to function adaquately as a definition for abnormality
with example
There are times in people’s lives when it is normal to suffer distress e.g. when a loved one dies grieving is a psychologically healthy process. The definition does not consider this.
Explain how cultural differences are limitations of using failure to function adaquately as a definition for abnormality
some of the ideas are specific to western European and American cultures. This definition discriminates against cultures who make different life choices eg. travellers who may not live at a permeant address and choose not to work.
Explain how abnormalities not always meaning disfunction is a limitation of using failure to function adaquately as a definition for abnormality
they dont always go together
This definition does not explain people with dangerous personality disorders, such as psychopaths, who can appear normal.