What are the 4 defintions of abnormality
- Deviation from Social Norms
- Failure to Function Adequately
- Deviation From Ideal Mental Health
- Statistical Infrequency
What are the 2 types of Social Norms
Implicit and Explicit
What are Implicit Social Norms
Norms that are not directly tought or obvioulsy stated E.g. Personal Space
What are Explicit Social Norms
Norms that are taught and are often part of the law E.g. Assult
What are 2 criticisms of deviation from social norms
- Change over time e.g homosexuality = era dependant
- changes over culture e.g eating dog in china acceptable England not = difficulty in generalising across cultures
What is a counter criticism of deviation from social norms
-behaviour is context dependant E.g naked at a swimming pool abnormal naked at nudist beach normal = definition takes into account context of behaviour
What is the Global Assessment Functioning Scale (GAF)
A measurement used to define whether a person is Abnormal or not
What are Rosenhams 7 features to be seen as Abnormal
- Personal Distress
- Maladaptive Behaviour
- Unpredictability
- Irationality
- Observer Discomfort
- Violation of Moral Standards
- Unconventionality
Define Personal Distress
A key feature of abnormality includes Depression and Anxiety
Define Maladaptive Behaviour
Behaviour Which stops individuals from reaching life goals
Define Unpredictability
Displaying unexpected behaviours characterised by a loss of control
Define Irrationality
Displaying behaviour which cannot be explained in a rational way
Define Observer Discomfort
Displaying Behaviour Which causes discomfort to those witnessing it
Define Violation of Moral Standards
Behaviour which goes against societys moral standards
Define Unconventionaity
Bahaviours which violate norms
What is a limitation of evaluation of failure to function adequately
-Culture dependant E.g behaviour in one culture will be accepted in another country will be frowned upon= not generalise to all cultures
What is a Strength of evaluation of failure to function adequately
-asses degree of abnormally E.g GAF scored on a continuous scale = practical applications
What were Jahodas 6 criterias for Ideal Mental Health
- Personal Growth
- Reality Percerption
- Autonomy
- Intergration
- Self Attitudes
- Environmental mastery
Define Personal Growth
Self Actualisation should reach full potential
Define Reality Perception
Should know what is real
Define Autonomy
Should be Inderpendant
Define Environmental Mastry
Be able to cope in your environment
What is a Limitation of deviation from idea mental health
-Jahodas criteria is subjective E.g measuring mental illness relies on self report from patients is unreliable = DIMH is flawed
What is a Strength of deviation from idea mental health
Praised for its holistic approach E.g considers individual as whole = suitable and realistic definition
What is staistical Infrequency
Behaviour that devaites from the statistical norm or average
What is a strength of Statistical Infequency
Not all behaviours which are statistical infrequent are abnormal e.g., Albert Einstein level of IQ was abnormal but hes not seen as abnomal= definition may be a flawed definition of psychopathology
What is a Limitation of Statistical Infequency
Does not consider cultural factors. E.g., what is considered Statistical normal in one culture may not be in another= Culturally Bias
What is a phobia
Irrational fearful response to a specific object or situation
What are the 3 types of Characteristics
Behavioural, emotional and Cognitive
What are the 2 bahvioural characteristics
- Avoidance
- Disruption of functioning