Psychomotor Skills Review Flashcards
Donning & Doffing PPE
Don (Put on)
- Hand hygiene
- Gown - tie to secure
- Mask - cover nose & chin
- Eye protection
- Gloves - cover cuff of gown
Doff (Take off)
- Gloves
- Eye protection
- Gown
- Mask
- Hand hygiene
- (Avoid touching outside of anything; considered contaminated.)
Sterile Field: Best Practices
- ever turn your back to sterile field or leave unattended.
- Do not reach over sterile field.
- Do not cough, talk or sneeze over sterile field.
- Check packaging & expiration dates.
- The 1” border of a sterile field is considered contaminated.
- Keep waist-level. Below waist? No longer sterile.
- Sterile may touch sterile.
Emptying Closed Drain
(JP Drain, Hemovac)
- Open cap away from self to avoid fluid splashing on you.
- Pour contents into measuring container.
- Note amount, color, consistency, odor.
- Alcohol port before closing.
- Fully compress container & replace cap.
- Discard fluid in toilet.
- Empty drain before half full to ensure adequate suction while decompressed.
- Document output on I&O.
- Secure device to clothing to prevent pulling at insertion site.
Difference between enteral & parenteral nutrition.
- Enteral feeding = using the gut/GI tract to feed
- Parenteral feeding = using the IV route (example = TPN)
What are the two reasons a nasoenteral tube is inserted?
- To feed the patient who will not, cannot or should not eat (sometimes referred to as “gavage”)
- To remove the gastric contents (sometimes referred to as “lavage”).
The reason why the patient is getting the tube will determine which type you will choose to insert.
Tube Feeding: Checking Residual & Best Practices
- Bolus vs. intermittent
- Before feeding (if bolus): perform abdominal assessment, confirm presence of bowel sounds, confirm tube placement
- Aspirate gastric contents with a syringe & measure gastric residual volume (if any). Follow agency policy re: holding feeding for large residual amount (250-500 ml) and return residual to stomach.
- Keep HOB 30-45 degrees to decrease aspiration risk during feedbaing & for an hour after feeding. At all times, if continuous.
NG insertion is a sterile procedure. True or False.
FALSE. NG insertion is a clean technique.
What is a “salem sump”? And purpose of air vent/blue pigtail?
It is a large-bore single lumen nasogastric tube that includes an air vent (blue “pigtail”) - that is inserted for the purpose of decompressing (suctioning) the stomach.
Purpose of air vent/pigtail = equalizes pressure in the abdominal cavity. Since the stomach is a closed cavity - without the air vent, the tip of the catheter would like be sucked up against the gastric mucosa & cause irritation/ulceration.
Low wall suction = 80-100 mm Hg
High wall suction = 100-120 mm Hg
(Follow agency policy)
- *You are assessing your patient with an NG, and find the abdomen is distended and
painful. What actions are you going to take?**
- Assess patency of tube. NG tube may be occluded or no longer in stomach.
- Irrigate tube.
- Verify that suction is on as ordered.
Midstream Clean Catch
- Provide instructions regarding wipes:
- Male: If uncircumcised, retract foreskin. Clean tip of penis starting at urethral meatus in concentric circles.
- Female: Separate the labira & wipe front to back. Continue to hold labia apart during urination.
- Urinate into toilet initially, then pause urination.
- Urinate 15-30 ml into sterile container.
- Withdraw container from stream & finish urinating into toilet.
- Close & label container.
- Take to lab immediately.
Collecting urine specimen from a foley catheter
- If ordered, collect urine specimen from drainage bag immediately after insertion. Otherwise, do NOT use drainage bag.
- Clamp tubing below the specimen collecting port for 10-15 minutes.
- Scrub the specimen port with antiseptic swab.
- Access specimen port using a 10 ml syringe (or device used at agency) & aspirate at least 3 ml of urine.
- Deposit urine in sterile container - & unclamp tubing.
- Label container & send to lab asap.
What are the three types of feeding tubes that may be inserted?
- nasoenterally (used for short-term feeding; less than 1 month); inserted by the RN at the bedside
- via endoscopy (used for long-term feeding; PEG- and PEJ tubes); inserted by the HCP
- via surgery (used for long-term feeding; G- and J-tubes); inserted by the HCP
Large Volume Cleansing Enema Administration
- Warm enema solution to room temp; prime tubing.
- With tubing clamped, elevate solution 18 inches above patient.
- Place patient in modified left lateral recumbent position (ie., Sims).
- Lubricate enema tip & insert 3-4 inches into anus, angling toward umbilicus.
- Administer enema slowly over 5-10 minutes.
- Lower container of solution (or clamp tubing) if cramping.
- After administration, patient to remain on side, retain contents & resist toileting for 10 minutes if possible.
When should the nurse empty an ostomy bag?
When it is 1/3 to 1/2 full.
Do you cut the gauze when you are placing a new dressing on the patient’s trach faceplate?
- No! (strings may fray & pReviewatient may inhale). Use pre-split gauze only.
How to Tracheal Suction
- Hyperoxygenate patient.
- Set wall suction to 100-150 mmHg.
- Open/prepare suction kit (sterile); don sterile gloves.
- Pick up sterile suction catheter w/ sterile (dominant) hand & connect it to suction with (now clean) nondominant hand.
- Occlude the hole & suction catheter to check function w/ nondominant hand.
- Insert until meets resistance/coughing occurs (no suction going down).
- Intermittently apply suction while rotating cathether during withdrawal. Limit pass to 10 second.
- Reoxygenate patient for 1 minute; encourage cough/deep breathing.
- Suction sterile saline to clear tubing between passes; maximum = 3 passes.
- Oral care afterward.
Central Line Removal
- Place patient supine/don clean gloves.
- Remove dressing while stabilizing catheter w/ one hand.
- Have patient take a deep breath & hold it. If they can, instruct them to bear down (can you explain the “why” behind that?).
- Withdraw catheter slowly & gently, keeping it parallel to the skin.
- Apply pressure to the site w/ sterile gauze for 1 minute then apply a sterile occlusive dressing (such as petroleum gauze).
- Measure the length of the catheter to ensure it matches the documented length & is intact.
- Document.
- Have patient remain supine for 30 minutes following procedure.
Technique for giving opthalmic drops
- Don clean gloves & offer patient a tissue.
- Have patient tilt head back & look up.
- With non-dominant hand, pull down the lower lid down to gently to expose the conjunctival sac.
- Drop med into sac without touching the eye with dropper.
- Apply gentle pressure to inner canthus for 1 minute to prevent systemic absorption.
- Wait 5 minutes between administration of different optic meds.
Technique for Giving Otic Meds
- Position patient on unaffected side.
- Pull the pinna up & back for adults - or down & back for children < 3 years old.
- Hold dropper over ear canal without touching ear.
- Instill drops by allowing them to hit the side of the canal and run into the ear.
- Let go of the pinna and gently press on the tragus several times.
- Have patient remain on their side for 5 minutes.
Technique for Inhalation Medications
Meter-dosed inhaler (MDI):
- Shake inhaler & attach a spacer.
- Exhale completely.
- Place the mouthpiece between lips and inhale slowly/deeply (> 3 seconds).
- Hold breath for 10 seconds.
- Remove inhaler from mouth and exhale slowly.
- Wait 1 minute between puffs of same medication.
Dry-Powder inhaler (DPI):
- Do not shake device or use a spacer.
- Place device between lips & sharply inhale to activate.
- Hold breath for 10 seconds.
- Remove inhaler from mouth & slowly exhale.
- Wait 1 minute between puffs of same medication.
Technique for NG/PEG Med Administration
- Verify tube placement & place in semi-fowler’s or higher.
- Use liquid forms of meds when possible. Crush & dissolve tables in 15-30 ml of water.
- Flush tube with 30 ml of water.
- Administer meds per agency policy:
- Remove plunger from 60 ml syringe & connect it to the tube. Pour prepared meds into open end of syringe.
- Draw up dissolved med with syringe and connect to the tube. Push slowly to deliver.
- Flush tube with 30 ml of water.
- Final flush is 60 mls unless fluid restricted.
- When administering more than one med, administer each med separately & flush with water between each med.
Intradermal Injections:
Needle Size, Volume, Administration
- Needle Size: 25-27 gauge, 1/4-1/2 inch needle
- Volume: < 0.5 ml
- Administration:
- Select site/cleanse w/ antiseptic swab.
- Spread skin taut using thumb & index finger of non-dominant hand.
- Insert needle bevel up at 5-15 degree angle. Advance needle until the bevel is under the skin. Do not aspirate.
- Inject med to form a small bled (bubble) or wheal.
- Remove needle at same angle as inserted.
- Do not massage the site.
Subcutaneous Injections:
Needle Size, Volume, Administration
- Needle size: 25-30 ga, 3/8-5/8 in needle
- Volume: < 1 ml
- Administration:
- Select injection site in a fatty area (eg, abdomen, lateral upper arms, top of thighs).
- Cleanse site with swab.
- Pinch skin to create a skin fold using the nondominant hand.
- If you can grasp 2 inches of tissue, insert needle at 90-degree angle. If you can grasp 1 inch of tissue, insert the needle at 45-degree angle.
- After needle is inserted, (release the pinched skin if applicable) & inject med with dominant hand.
- Remove the needle at same angle as insertion.
- Do not massage site.

IM Injections:
Needle Size, Volume, Administration, Z-track Method
- Needle Size: 22-25 ga, 1-1.5 inches
- Volume: < or = 1 ml (deltoid); < or = 3 ml (vastus lateralis, ventrogluteal)
- Z-Track Administration:
- Select injection site & cleanse area.
- Prior to administratoin, use ulnar side of non-dominant hand to laterally displace the skin by 1 inch.
- Insert needle at 90 degree angle using dominant hand. Stabilize the syringe with non-dominant hand.
- Do not aspirate.
- Inject the med at a slow/even pace & allow for med to disperse into muscle for 10 seconds.
- Remove needle at same angle as insertion, and THEN release skin.
- Apply bandage or gauze; do not massage site.
How long after you give a med via NG (that is ordered to wall suction) should you wait before reattaching the suction?
30 minutes to one hour
What are the preferred IM injection sites for adults?