Psychometric principles Flashcards
Ability to learn from the past with speed and proximity and practicality
Amplitude test
Predict future performance
Achievement test
Assessing past performance
Percentile scores
Percentage of people who score the same or lower than you
Split half reliability
Split the test in half and assessing consistency
Reliability using different versions
Different questions with same answer
Test retest reliability
Using same test on 2 occasions to measure consistency
Inter-rarer reliability
1 test graded by 2 people
Infra-rarer reliability
1person grades same test twice
Face validity
TTWIST according test taker
Content validity
TTWIST according to test maker
Construct validity
Does a test measure hypothetical construct
Convergent validity
2 things thought to be related and they are
Divergent validity
Thought to not be related and are not
Predictive validity
Does a test predict future performance