Psychology test 2 Flashcards
How is learning defined?
Relatively enduring change in behavior or thinking that results from our experiences
What 3 different types of conditioning are there?
Classical, operant, and observational.
What is classical conditioning
Two different stimuli are associated (pavlov)
Operant conditioning
Reward and punishment for behavior
What is stimulus generalization when relating to classical/operant conditioning?
Classical- After association is made in conditioned stimulus & response.
Operant- occurs when learned response to one stimulus occurs around similar stimuli
What is stimulus discrimination in classical and operant conditioning?
Classical- Differentiate between conditioned stimulus and other stimuli
Operant- With reinforcers, humans learn to discriminate
List Pavlov’s expirament and the types of responses/stimuli.
Unconditioned stimulus: food Unconditioned response: salivating Neutral stimulus: bell ringing Conditioned stimulus: bell ringing Conditioned response: salivating
What is higher order conditioning?
When you add another unconditioned stimulus for a conditioned response when paired with the previous conditioned stimulus (ex: adding light with food bell)
Positive and negative reinforcement
positive-When reinforcers are added to encourage behavior (treats)
Negative- when unpleasant stimulus is removed to encourage behavior (take away chores)
Positive/Negative punishment
Pos- Addition of something unpleasant to discourage behavior (adding chores)
Neg-subtraction of something pleasant to discourage behavior (no dessert)
Primary reinforcers VS secondary reinforcers
Primary-Satisfies biological need
Secondary-Doesn’t, but tied to association with primary reinforcers
Partial reinforcement effect
When reinforcement is randomized, keeps behavior going until next reinforcement is given (ex:coin slots)
Bandura’s Bobo doll expirament
Revealed the speed with which children adopted aggressive behavior modeled by adults
Info enters the memory system
Preserving info for recollection in future
refers to the process of accessing info encoded and stored for memory
Where visual and spatial data are briefly stored and manipulated (layout of room or stores)
Phonological loop
For working with verbal info for brief periods of time
Central executive
Directs attention