psychology Semester 1 Flashcards
abstract concepts
concepts based on theory rather than observable knowledge.
Any substance that increases the start and spread of a fire.
acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
a syndrome that causes the immune system to fail.
a word formed with initials
advanced encryption standards
the standards for encryption that define what keeps info safe.
too speak for
the science of agriculture
an accusation
to designate.
a legal challenge that occurs when challenges the outcome of a court case
a professional who specializes in the care of trees.
the crime of burning property
a review of financial accounts
to give permission
the procedure in which a corpse is examined to determine the cause of death.
a court officer whose duty is to maintain order during trials and manage prisoners during trials, including getting them from their place of in incarceration to the location of the trial and back
bench marks
standards by which something can be judged.
creating a legal obligation
blood-borne pathogens
harmful microbes found in human blood that can cause disease or infection
Administrative systems
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
a process that attempts to restart the heart
case loads
the number of cases or clients that a professional handles
a survey of the number of people living in the United States and basic demographic info that is performed every ten years.
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
A branch of federal law enforcement gathering, analyzing, and processing information relating to security from global sources to focus on international threats.
child abuse
abuse of a child.
civil case
a legal case that does not include criminal charges.
civil defense
the protective measure and emergency activities preformed by volunteers in the event of an attack or other emergency.
civil drafter
a professional who creates drawings and topological maps for projects, such as highways, bridges, and pipelines.
civil engineering
the design construction, and maintenance of features of the physical and natural environment
a relationship in which each person needs the other to maintain a role.
substances that catch fire easily
common core
a set of national standards in English and math that students should know at the end of each year.
community colleges
two-year colleges that grant associate’s degrees or professional certifications
complementary skills
two or more people contributing different skills to a task
an expert brought in for a specific project or service
a person or company that agrees to furnish materials of perform services for a set price.
correctional officers
law enforcement officers who are responsible for the custody, safety, security, and supervision of inmates.
cost of living
The cost of buying the goods and services an average person needs.
Critical Thinking
the ability to interpret information, draw conclusions, analyze facts, and synthesize information.
the subjects and material taught in a course of study.
Customer Service
the practice of working with customer (or clients)
a lack
characteristics of the population
deposit slips
documents used to record the amount of funds put into a specific account.
treating someone differently because of his or her race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability, or other factor.
domestic violence
abuse that occurs within an intimate relationship.
elder abuse
abuse of senior citizens .
Emergency medical services
services that provide care at the scene of an emergency or get those seriously injured to appropriate medical care.
a serious situation that happens unexpectedly and requires immediate attention.
pollutants released into the environment.
the ability to see a situation from another’s perspective.
an individual who makes it possible for an individual to continue his or her destructive behavior.
the process
the process of encoding information.
the act of starting a business.
environmental planning
considering the natural environment as well as relevant social factors when determining a course of action.
Environmental Protection Agency
the agency that encourages policy that benefits the environment and helps regulate businesses so that the pollutants they create do not overwhelm the environment.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
the government agency devoted to making sure that employment processes are free of discrimination.
a moral code
excise taxes
taxes on a specific product
expense report
an internal list of expenses
Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board
the board that defines the accounting practices for the federal government
Federal Bureau of Investigation
The government agency that handles internal security and federal law enforcement.
Federal deposit insurance commission
the federal agency that oversees banks
Federal emergency management agency
the government agency dedicated to preparing for, preventing, responding to, and recovering from emergencies.
fire safety codes
specific regulations dealing with fire safety
fire safety engineer
a professional who inspects facilities while they are under construction to ensure that all of the safety requirements are met.
first aid
care given immediately to minimize the effect of an injury or illness until expert care is available.
fore closures
repossession of property by a bank when payments are not met
forensic pathologist
a doctor with a specialization of working with corpses
the scientific method of gathering and examining evidence
foster care
a temporary home made available to a child until a permanent home can be found ( usually through adoption) of the child reaches adulthood.
freedom of information act
a law passed in 1966 that gives every American access to government documents with some restrictions.
geographic information system
systems that take, record, store, and process spatial and geographical data.
geological survey
the systematic examination and documentation of the land beneath the ground.
good Samaritan laws
laws that offer legal protection to people who step in during and emergency to help others
government accountability office
an independent agency that provides congress with auditing, evaluating, and investigating services.
government accounting standards board
the board that determines appropriate practices at the state and local levels
funds given for specific purpose
health insurance portability and accountability act
Health Care legislation that governs insurance practices and patients privacy. HIPAA
chemicals designed to kill certain plants, mostly weeds.
higher education
education in college and graduate school
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
the virus that causes AIDS
human resources
the field of employee recruitment and management
human Resources
the department responsible for hiring new employees, making sure that the organization is following labor laws, and settling disputes among employees
Immune System
the body’s natural defense against disease.
the process in which the senate holds a vote to determine if the president of the Unite States should be charged with a crime
to show a connection
Income Taxes
the taxes paid on the money earned
recognizing what needs to be done and doing it without being asked
Insurance Fraud
a false claim against an insurance policy.
a charge for the use of money, usually a percentage of the sum
internal openings
job opening that are open only to those already working in an organization
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
the branch of the government that manages taxes
Invitation for a bid
a formal announcement that includes all of the information required for potential contractors to create a bid.
specialized language that is often specific to a profession or field
job description
a list of the basic functions of a position
a written record of accounting
any individual or group that seeks to influence policy
long-term planning
anticipating concerns years or even decades down the road
professional misconduct of failing to do one’s job according to the standards or the profession.
those who oversee a production
mandated reporters
those legally obligated to contact the appropriate authorities if abuse is suspected
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
legally required instructions for safe handling, use, and storage of chemicals.
Medical Examiners
Medical professionals who examine the body to determine the cause of death.
a person receiving mentoring
an experienced adviser or supporter
a tiny living organism too small to be viewed without a microscope.
to take or use dishonestly
mission statement
a sentence or a few sentences that summarize the mission of an organization
Multi media presentation
a presentation using more than one form of media, such as a combination of text, images, video, and audio.
National Institute of Standards and Technology
the federal agency in charge of defining the standards for measurement in science, standards, and technology
good manners and practices on the internet
the practice of making contacts.
non pathogen
a beneficial microorganism
non verbal communication
a message expressed without words.
non verbal
without words.
rules and regulations
to contact an outside agency or individual to do a job
a wide spread disease
those who assist professionals in fields such as medicine, law, engineering, and education
a continuation of a prison sentence outside of prison
a harmful microorganism
a regular sum paid to retired employees.
per diem
a set amount that the employee is authorized to spend for daily expenses, usually while traveling on company or agency business.
personal information management
cataloging and make personal information easily accessible by storing it in a database
physical abuse
harm done to the body
physical map
a map illustrating geological features.
the person bringing a case to court.
rules or a course of action.
political maps
a map that highlights man-made boarders.
a substance introduced into the environment that has harmful effects or makes a resource less useful
position classification
a way of organizing jobs based on the duties that they require
primary education
education consisting of kindergarten through sixth grade.
private sector
companies that are not owned by the government
moral integrity
the acquisition of goods, services, and works from an outside source.
professional development
continuing education in a chosen field
professional organizations
organization made up of people in the same field who come together to discuss and create the standards of the field, provide training, and pay attention to changes in the profession.
Psychological Abuse
a range of abusive behaviors that include threats, belittling, or manipulation.
Public defender
a lawyer who provides legal council to those who cannot afford an attorney
public services
employment within a government system, generally excluding the military, elected offices, and judges.
public transportation
a system using vehicles for public use
pyrotechnic devices
quality control
making sure that the quality of production is consistent across a business or organization
able to be measured
the person absorbing the message
accepting a valid credential from another state
to make consistent or balanced
attracting and hiring the most skilled and qualified employees
revenue stream
a steady flow of income
to take back
risk management
taking step to identify and then minimize or eliminate risk
the chance that something could go wrong
secondary education
education in middle school and high school.
security and clearance
a special status granted to someone, usually by the United States Government, to verify that he or she is qualified to access confidential information
a person providing the message
Sexual Abuse
unwanted sexual physical contact
Short-term Planning
creating a plan for current problems or those in the near future
social security
a mandatory retirement program that all individuals who receive wages or a salary are required to fund by providing a percentage of their income
Social Services
agencies that oversee the welfare of individuals and health.
Social work
a profession that seeks to improve people’s lives and health.
to ask for
Special education
the field of educating students with learning difficulties
spread sheet
a computer program that manages numerical data
people or organizations that have indirect interest in an issue or decisions
the act of making consistent
requirements set by the state education departments that define the content of a course
Student Evaluates
a student’s assessment of various as aspects of an educators performance in the classroom
based on individual perception
those who report to a person in a supervising position
additional funds left over after all required expenses are met
a professional who precisely measures the land
Tax Code
a complex formula used to determine how much tax a person owes, depending on such factors as annual income, how many people a person is supporting, home ownership, and other sources of income.
Tax Return
documentation of all earning and tax deductions for an individual or company
teaching practicum
a college course that involves hands-on experience in the classroom supervised by an experienced teacher
thematic map
a map focused on one feature
Theory X
a management theory based on the premise that people are lazy and will do as little work as possible, so management needs to be very hands on
Theory Y
a management theory that assumes that people enjoy their jobs and want to do them well, so they require very little management
Theory Z
a management theory that focuses on the employee and assumes that creating a good work place will attract and retain top talent
a method of prioritizing
going against the constitution
Urban Planner
a professional who plans a city’s development.
verbal abuse
using words to harm someone
an idea for the future
vital signs
measurements of the body’s basic functions, such as breathing rate and blood pressure
Vocational education
education designed to open paths to career in the trades
water table
the top zone of soil and rock where water fills voids
wild land fire
a fire that does not involve structures and feeds on vegetation
a space designated for a specific use
Zoning boards
committees that determine how an area should be used.