psychology of cancer- death and survival Flashcards
- subsection of pschyology which deals with death
- the scientific study of death and the practices associated with it, including the study of the needs of the terminally ill and their families.
national cancer stats (relative, wont need specifics but could be good to know)
- about 1 in 2 cancdians will develop cancer in their lifetimes and 1 and 3 will die bc of it
- 64% of canadians diagnosed with cancer will survive at least 5 years after their diagnosis
- 5- year survival rate up 9% from the early 90s
Why is understanding the reality of death important? Consider this question from the perspectives of evolution, ecology, physiology.
How do we define ‘Psychology of Fear?’***
- fear is a primal emotion that involves a universal biochemical response and a high individual emotional response
- connect to reason for emotion???
What is the Kubler-Ross Grief Cycle? Explain the Grief Cycle applying Social Psych concepts.***
- denial
cognitive dissonance? know / think one thing but want to believe another - change resistamce/ group dynamics. Refuse to accept the reality of the situation
- anger
Identity crisis- realization of new reality. Anger directed at what caused change - bargaining
- depression
- acceptance
Adaption to change. Adjusting to new norms. - putting into context where someone is in their grief cycle
- the peaks rep the level of intesity of emotion
Defining a ‘good death’ is complex. What are common concepts within personal definitions?
- hard to define. It is a complex, individual concept
- no way for one external, all-encompassing definition
Common themes: - preferences for dying (ie. painless, in sleep etc)
- pain free status: not suffering
- emotional wellbeing: emotional support and psychological comfort
- family: family support, acceptance of death, preparedness for death, not burden
- dignity: respect and independence
- life completion: saying goodbye, acceptance of death
- religious/ spirituality
- treatment preference: not prolonging life, belief all treatment were used
- quality of life
- relationship with healthcare provider
How is emotional intelligence linked to cancer diagnosis.
- getting diagnosed with cancer is difficult
- range of emotions and outlooks
- emotional intelligence can allow indoviduals to process their feeling and also the feelings of others around them
- also relates to healthcare providers. Significant number of care providers experience psychological distress, in turn affecting their ability to cope and provide support
- clinic staff are at risk of pschyological morbity and burnout
What are some psychological disorders associated with cancer diagnosis?
- 33-50% of cancer pateitns experience psycological disorders, with 20-25% reaching caseness for depression
- 15-30% of patients sufficently distressed to require professional help at some point during their cancer trajectory
some common psych disorders in patients: - anxiety
- depression
- adjustment disorders
- interpersonal difficulties
- insomnia
- trauma related problems
- body image proble
Why is emotional intelligence and social psychology important to ‘surviving cancer?’
- first couple years after diagnosis, often filled with treatment for patients
- to to five years after diagnosis requires close follow up
- after five years, most have completed treatment but some may still require clinical monitoring
- positive outlook on treatment may be benefical. Placebo affect in a way. Belif you are going to survive will help you survive
What is a ‘timeline of survival?’ Explain applying the ‘Greif Cycle.’
-treatment completion
- after 2 yeras: early surviorshiip
- after 5 years: long term survivor ship
- fear or recurrence: bagining
- depression
- fatigue
- cognitive impairment
- pain
- finding benefit: accepetance
- denial: denial of initial diagnosis and/or recurrance.
- anger: angry that this happened to them/ their family.
- bargaining: fear of recurrence
- depression: cognitive disorders. Depression. Upset that cancer has affected their life. Likely had large change to life while undergoing treatment. This could be very upsetting/ lead to depression
- acceptance: finding benefit
Is there benefit in being diagnosed with cancer?
- able to see benefit in life where maybe didnt before
- stregenthened interpersonal realtionships
- commitment to life priorities
- life appreciation
- personal regard and attention to health behaviours
- appreciate the little things more and make time for important things in life