community ecology Flashcards
What is an ecological community?
- the interaction, not the physical presence of organisms or populatons in a place
- how they interact
- if not interacting, not a community
- interacting creates a populations factor
Describe competition.
- you do work in my prsences and ido work in yours
- intraspecifc competition (within) (ex. battle for mates)
- interspecific (competition) (ex. battle for food)
- any interaction between 2 species where an increase in density of either species causes a decrease in the per captia population growith rate of another ( my numbers go up and yours go down, and vice versa)
- struggle for limiting reasources
- mutually negative ineraction
What is the competitive exclusion principle?
- two species can not use the same resource in the same way and coexist
- for two species to coexist: intraspecific competion> interspecific competition (compete with own species more than compete with other)
- if inter> intra, one species is competitively excluded
- “the ghost of competition past”
- both are negatively impacted but one is negatively impacted less
Define and explain the competition coefficient.
- the species i is proportional effect that species j has on species i
- the effect species j has on species i, in species 1 units
- ect.. Aij= 0.25 , Aij= 1
Differentiate consumption and classical predation?***
- predation is compettion between the predator and the prey (ex. bunny and wolves)
- consumption is competition between two spcieces eating the same prey
Define functional response. Differentiate between a Type I, II and III functional response.
- per captia consumption rate of a predator given prey density
- based on the time needed for two key predator behaviours: searching for prey and handling prey
- TYPE 1: first order, exponent is one, regardless of prey density, always same result. for example, spiders will always catch prey in their web
- TYPE 2: saturated, as prey density decreases slowly, decreased attack (functional response), MOST COMMON because predators can get prey quickly but theres only so fast you can eat it
- TYPE 3: rate of response increases, low prey density, exponential consumtpion and then saturation, takes them time to find their prey so consumption is low, so they stay in the same spot and then consumtpion is saturated. i found it so im not looking for anything else; dont look for other prey because wasting energy (ex. lady bug)
In the context of population regulation, differentiate top-down versus bottom-up control.**
lokta voltera? see notes
Differentiate fundamental vs. realized niche.
- fundamental: what can be used to survive (ex. there is food)
- realized: after interactions are taken into consideration (ex. there is competiton for food)
SEE NOTES - n-dimensional hypervolume= funamental niche
- n-dimensional hypervolume + interactions= realised niche
Define disturbance and the intermediate disturbance hypothesis?
- disturbance: any factor which causes a decrease in the number of individuals in a population. therefore any population regulating factor.
- intermediate disturbance hypothesis: intermediate level of disturbance has the most number of species. low disturbance= low number of species that can sustain conditions or compete the best; high disturbance, only some speices can sustain
SEE NOTES - ex. community structure changes in the kickappo river
How can disturbance affect competitive interactions? Predation interactions?**
types of interactions (inter specific)
- competition
- consumption (predation, parsitism,herbivory)
- mutualism
- commensalism (null affect)
interaction table
species 1
sp2 neg pos
neg competition consumption
pos consumtion mutuaism
mechanisms of comoetition
- ways to categorize based on what competing for
- different categories f competition:
- comsumption
- preemption
- allelopathy
- territoriality
consumption competition
- one species inhibits another by ingesting a shared resource
- ex. hynea eating prey so lepord cant have it
premptive competition
- mainly among sessile organisms, when the mere presence of one species reduces a shared resource for another species
- competition for space
- sessial organisms stay in one place and cant locomote
- you cant grow because im there, i get bigger butthen you are in my way, so i cant get bigger
- one species inhibits anither by changing the chemical composition of a resource
- releases an allelochemical: a pheromone beteen 2 species
- ex. changes ph of environment
territorial competition
- one species inhibts access of another species to a resource via behavioural aggression
- mates etc: have their territory. dominatnt male protects their territory an prevents others from getting females
what is consumtption
classical def:
- any interaction between 2 species where a density increase in spcies i (consumed) causes an increase in the per capita population growth rae of species j (consumer)
- a density increase in species j causes a decrease in the per capita population growth rate of spcies i
examples on consumption
- classical predation
- parasitism
- herbivory
- seed predation
two species model
- lotka volterra model
- based on logisitic
what is niche
- the place a species occupies in a community/environment
- the environmental requirements of a spcies
- any n-dimensional hypervolume where n equals the number of physcos and biological factors important to the survival and reproduction of a species
case study: jellification of norther temperate lakes**
- ## acid rain/sulpher cycle