Psychology and Sports Flashcards
The word ‘personality’ is derived from the Latin word ‘Persona’, which means ‘mask’.
Personality usually means that an individual is much more than his outer appearance.
Personality is a dynamic and organized set of characteristics possessed by a person that influences his/her cognitions, emotions, motivations and behaviors in various situations. Personality also refers to the patterns of thoughts, feelings, social adjustments and behaviours persistently exhibited over time that strongly influences one’s expectations, self-perceptions, attitudes and values. It can also be said that personalities is the sum of inner and outer capabilities of an individual.
Dimensions of Personalities
These aspects or dimensions of personalities together make the personality of an individual. In fact, personality is the collective as well as integrated image of various dimensions such as physical dimension, mental dimension, social dimension and emotional dimension. These dimension are interrelated.
The significant dimensions of elucidated are
- Physical Dimension
- Mental Dimension
- Social Dimension
- Emotional Dimension
Physical Dimension
Physical dimension is considered the most significant dimension of personality. It is based on the fact that first impression is the last impression. In fact, Physical dimension is related to good physique, good appearance, good health, etc. The inner qualities do not matter in the beginning. Physique is the foundation of personality which has the beginning effect on the viewers. The physical structure of an individual is related to the heredity of the individual but certain traits of one’s personality are improved in proper environment. Balanced diet, Physical exercises and other environmental factors improve physique, appearance, health, posture and glow on the face of an individual. Physically weak individuals can neither protect themselves nor contribute in the progress of their nation.
Mental Dimension
Mental dimension is the most significant attribute of personality. Mental dimension is related to mental and intellectual strength and abilities. Nobody can contribute to the society until and unless one is mentally sound and has acquired ample knowledge. Those who are not mentally sound, have nothing to offer others. The development of thinking, reasoning, intuition and judgement, etc., are possible only through education. If one lays more stress on struggles and learning, then he/she becomes more intellectual.
Social Dimension
Social dimension is the next important dimension of personality. Human are social animals. Man does not live for himself alone, he lives for others too. Sociability is inherent in man’s biological nature. The process of socialization starts right from the time of one’s birth. Human child learns to behave because he is basically sociable. He learns by imitation, he learns by examples and he learns by perception. He is influenced in the first stance by behavioural patterns, customs, traditions, norms, standards and manners prevalent in the society. A good personality is one which is sociable and socialising. The social qualities like character, morality, etiquettes, manners, work ethics, friendliness, good attitude, helpful nature, cooperation, sympathy, kindness, etc., are the qualities or traits essential for good personality.
Emotional Dimension
Emotional dimension is also an important dimension of personality. Emotional dimension is related to emotional stability. It is an ingredient of balanced personality. It means that one must have proper control over various emotions such as fear, anger, disgust, distress, amusement, happiness, etc., in different situations. Spontaneous outburst of such emotions is not accepted as a sign of good personality. It is a sign of immaturity.
Type ‘A’ Personality
✓The individuals with this type of personality are VERY COMPETITIVE.
✓ Self-critical
✓Characterized by high working involvement
✓Easily excited and owing to that they usually fall prey to hypertension.
✓Experience a persistent sense of urgency.
✓Always Seems to struggling against the clock.
✓Become impatient with delays.
✓Easily be aroused to anger, hostility and aggression.
✓More prone to heart ailments.
Type ‘B’ personality
✓Not competitive in nature.
✓ Easy going and patient
✓Do not become angry and hostile
✓Able to express their emotions appropriately
✓Cope with stress effectively
✓Not overachievers and overambitious in life
✓Usually quite satisfied with their lives
✓They are called successful persons in life.
Type ‘C’ personality
✓Pleasing and appeasing nature.
✓Unable to express their emotions specially anger
✓ Suppress their emotions efficiently
✓Are lethargic, passive, hopeless and pessimistic
✓Sometimes, deny their own needs
✓Feel alone and it begins at an early age
✓May enhance the risk of cancer
Type ‘D’ personality
✓ Usually suffer from high degree of distress
✓ Persistently suppress their feelings
✓ Don’t share their emotions with other persons because they always have a fear of rejection or disapproval
✓ Susceptible to high blood pressure in the machine and depression
✓ Prone to heart ailments
✓ They usually lead a poor quality of life
WH Sheldon classified personality of India individuals into the following categories
- Endomorph
- Mesomorph
- Ectomorph
Jung’s classification
- Introverts
- Extroverts
- Ambiverts
The Big Five personality traits are
- Openness
- Conscientious
- Extroversion
- Agreeableness
- Neuroticism
Explain Endomorph
✓ Have short arms and legs
✓ Rounded physique
✓ limbs seem to be shorter because of excessive deposits of adipose tissue
✓ Upper parts of arms and legs are significantly thicker than the lower parts
✓ Hard for them to lose weight
✓ have soft body
✓ have underdeveloped muscles
✓ have a capacity for high fat storage and become fat easily
✓ more inclined to become obese
✓ peer-shaped body
✓ Sports and games which requires strength like weightlifting and upper and power lifting are most suitable for endomorphs.
Explain mesomorph
In between the other two body types
✓ Described as muscular
✓ have athletic physique and balanced body composition
able to increase their muscle size quickly and easily
✓ Well developed rectangular shaped body
✓ Have thick bones and muscles
✓ Physically capable of doing a lot of activities
✓ Tend to be athletically aggressive
✓ Store fat evenly all over the bodies
✓ Excel is such sports which require great strength, short bursts of energy and lots of power because they have strength, agility and speed
Explain ectomorph
✓ Referred to slim persons
✓ there are muscles and limbs are elongated
✓ weak constitution of body
✓ face great difficulties in gaining weight
✓ Have Flat chest and less muscle mass
✓ Do not have a lot of strength but they dominate the endurance sports
✓ quick metabolism to burn fat
✓ Light body constitution makes them suited for aerobic activities like gymnastics
These are the persons who share characteristics such as Shyness, social withdrawal and tendency to talk less. Owing to these characteristics such persons seems to be self-centered unable to adjust easily in society or social situations. They are very sensible, rigid in ideas and future oriented. They are more comfortable living alone. They keep their social circle limited.
Extroverts have a tendency to be friendly outgoing talkative and social in nature they usually prefer social contacts. They are generous, supportive and courageous fully stopped they may be called happy go lucky persons they show interest in present reality than future they do not have hesitation. they express their feelings openly. they take decisions and act upon it quickly they are not affected easily by difficulties and troubles. they are socially more active and more aware of what is going on near/around them. They usually make quick decisions.
There are only few persons who are pure introverts or pure extroverts. The remaining majority of persons possess both the qualities or traits of introverts and extroverts such persons are called as ambiverts. They are socially comfortable and interactive, yet value alone time. They prefer spending time with two or three persons instead of a large group.
✓ who likes to learn new things, new concepts and enjoy new experiences.
✓ Openness includes traits like being imaginative, insightful and having a variety of interests.
✓ Are reliable and prompt
✓ Organized, systematic, punctual, achievement oriented and dependable.
Outgoing, talkative, sociable and enjoys being in social situations
Affable, tolerant, sensitive, trusting, kind and warm