Psychology And Religion key terms Flashcards
not a false or mistaken belief but is based on fulfilment. Belief derived from human wishes.
Wish fulfilment
The secret hope of our greatest longings satisfied
Psychological disorder. In Freudian psychology - imbalance of the forces of id, ego, superego
Collective neurosis
Neurotic illness that afflicts all people
Unconscious mind
Contains basic drives, such as breathing and forgotten memories. The conscious mind contains our present thoughts & accessible memories
Technical term for mind. Understood to include all the conscious and unconscious components of the mind.
Psyche’s drive to achieve satisfaction. Includes the sexual drive
Freudian psychology - unwanted or taboo thoughts, desires, fears, anxieties that get banished into the unconscious
Belief that natural phenomena eg animals/rocks/trees/thunder/celestial bodies have life/divinity
Simultaneously experiencing opposing or conflicting emotions, attitudes, ideas or wishes toward a person or situation
Process by which the sexual instinct is redirected into other activities eg culture & art
Psychic energy
(Or psychological energy) energy by which the work of the personality is performed
Personal unconscious
Contains forgotten memories of the individual
Collective unconscious
Jungian psychology - refers to that part of a person’s unconscious that is common to all human beings
Can be seen as ‘Image generators’. Distinct from the actual images they generate