psychological treatments Flashcards
Why is CBT appropriate
symptoms are cognitive so treatment should be cognitive
Why is CBT effective (Jones 2008)
belief modification reduced the frequency and intensity of hallucinations
Why is CBT not appropriate (Kingdon/ Kirchen)
found many people are not suitable/ dropped out
Why is CBT not effective
It is a management, not a cure
Why is Token economy appropriate
It allows independence and freedom in an institution
Why is Token economy not appropriate
It doesn’t face the cause
Why is Token economy effective (Allyon/ Arzin)
daily chores increased from 5 to 40
Why is Token economy not effective
only works whilst rewarded
outline token economy
the behavioural approach believes schizophrenia is learned and reinforced and can be fixed through ‘behaviour modification techniques’
Token economy works by identifying maladaptive behaviour and reinforcers before constructing the environment. Tokens are given as positive reinforcers for behaving in appropriate ways and can be spent on privileges.
outline CBT
the cognitive approach believes schizophrenia occurs due to faulty thinking so CBT aims to challenge irrational thoughts and beliefs.
Coping strategy enhancement aims to improve a patient’s coping strategies. Belief modification is to challenge false beliefs in a calm way (by thinking of rational reasons for thoughts)
There should be 16 one to one sessions