Psychological Research Flashcards
what is the difference between validity and reliability in research
Reliability refers to the consistency of a measure or information. Validity refers to the accuracy of a measure or results
Research process
1 Define the problem
2 Review the literature
3 Formulate hypothese
4 Choose research design (experimental,field, action research,survey designs, words or numbers )
5 Gather Data (Introspection,Observation, Interviews)
6 Analyse Data (Descriptive statistics,non-descriptive inferential stats,levels of measurement scale)
7.Report,Implement, Conclusions
Three ways to collect data
Introspection = structuralism, people verbally telling their experiences
Observation= Behavorists,controlled,researcher may be passive or active
what is a research study where you need research the reason
5 reasons why researches are conducted
explore- if the researcher is not sure of the extent of the problem or topic then it needs
describe- if the researcher wants to describe what behaviour constructs mean, or how psychological processes develop
explain- if the researcher wants to explain concepts and possible origins, the researcher not only wants to describe
correlate-if the researcher is interested in whether different variables have an impact on one another
predict -if the researcher wants to predict if one variable predicts the outcome of another.
What is scientific research
Scientific research involves structured,controlled and objective investigation into psychological phenomena
What is a hypotheses
a hypotheses is a statement that outlines a researchers expectations regarding the research topic
What is Qualitative Research
To gain an in-depth understanding
Provide an in-depth explanation Motivation, feelings, thinking, attitudes, perceptions of individuals
Uses subjective methods Interviews, discourse analysis, story analysis, written word, artwork, poetry, historical information
Analyses underlying themes
quantitative research
Used to test hypotheses (research statements)
Structured and objective methods are used
Generalises findings from a sample group to a population
Uses statistical indices
Questionnaires, surveys, experiments