psychological problems Flashcards
define unipolar depression
a type of mood disorder causing periods of feeling sad & lacking motivation to do everyday activites.
define mental health problem
form of psychological problem characterised by symptoms affecting your mind & behavior.
* affects how you think, feel, behave, relate to others.
symptoms of unipolar dep according to ICD-10
- feeling suicidal/attempting suicide
- not enjoying favorite activities anymore
- poor sleep (finding it difficult to sleep, waking up early when still tired)
- extreme tiredness not relieved by sleep
- poor appetite or increase
- lack of self esteem
- feelings of guilt, blaming themselves
- activing nervously. behavior slowed down more then usual
what are the main symptoms of unipolar dep
* lowering of mood
* lack of energy
* lack of motivation
what does ICD-10 require for diagnosis of uni depression
- one of the main symptoms present most of time for 2 weeks
- another one of the symptoms should be pressent some point during tha time.
features of unipolar dep
- WHO - 1 in 15 ppl suffer from episode of serious dep every year.
- Affects twice as many females as males. affects females longer
symptoms & features of episodes of uni dep
Episode -> mild -> 4 symptoms displayed -> finds symptoms upsetting. carries on daytoday activites.
Episode -> moderate -> 5-6 symptoms displayed -> serious probs doing daytoday activities
Episode -> severe -> 7+ symptoms displayed + general feelings of worthlessness -> suicidal thoughts, engage in self harm to cope.
incidience of dep over time
- Hidaka (2012) suggests modern living’s more stressful, includes many risk factors for depression** e.g** sleep deprivation, poor diet, increased social isolation.
- The King’s Fund (2008) estimates that by 2026, 1.45 million people will be diagnosed w/ dep
- compared to 1.24 million in 2007.
Could be bc of more people being aware of their symptoms.
how dep affects individuals & society
- Amount of time missed from work by patients; company has to cover workload, there’ll be cost implications for company
- HSE estimated that in 2014-15, 9.9 million days of work were missed because of stress, depression, anxiety associated with work.
- cost of treatment for dep, more ppl diagnosed w depression, more require treatment; drugs expensive to prescibe, therapies expensive, therapists need to be trained; will cost NHS a lot, putting strain on their services.
genetic explanation of unipolar depression
How the influence of genes can explain why some people depression
➜ Evidence if someone in your family has been diagnosed w/ unipolar depression, higher risk you’ll also be diagnosed w/ depression.
➜ Depression might be inherited through genes.
➜ Hyde et al. (2016) = 17 diff gene variations linked to depressions
twin studies on influence of genes for depression
➜ Monozygotic twins = share 100% of the same genes.
➜ Dizygotic twins = share 50% of the same genes.
McGuffin et al. (1996)
Monozygotic twin depressed = 46% co-twin becomes depressed.
Dizygotic twin depressed = 20% co-twin becomes depressed.
Shows depression might be genetic.
define twin studies
- research that compares behavior
- in groups of twins
- to see if there are similarities in each pair of twins
define monozygotic twins
- twins developed from one fertilized egg
- that’s split into 2
- are genetically identical.
define dizygotic twins
- twins developed from 2 diff eggs
- fertilized during same pregnancy
- not genetically identical.
define genetic predisposition
- biological tendency
- to develop a particular behavior
- as a result of the genes someone has.
define diathesis stress model
- explanation for depression
- claiming that people can have a gene making them more likely to develop depression
- ONLY if they face a stressful situation
- that triggers depressive thoughts.