development - gunderson et al 2013 Flashcards
- Effect on types of praise on children. If parents give girls more person less process praise than boys.
- use of praise by parents of children aged 14 months to 48 months old
- Whether person or process praise can be a predictor of motivational framework 5 years later.
Sample: 29 boys, 24 girls (53 children from chicago) and their caregivers
64% white, 17% AA, 11% Hispanic, 8% Multiracial
were visited every 4 months from when child was 14months.
researcher and parents thought it was a language development study (double blind data gathered).
Recordings lasted 90 mins, interactions recorded at 14m, 26m, 38m.
At 7-8y children answered questionnaire about morals, beliefs, motivation, intelligence
parents gave more process (18%) than person (16%).
Process more to boys (24.4%), than girls (10.3%)
3% of all parental comments were praise.
Girls received more person praise then boys.
Clear relationship between parents use of process praise and a child’s later use of incremental motivational framework (ability being changeable)
Did not find that parental use of person praise led to an entity motivational framework (ability to fixed)
No researcher bias - researchers who videotaped & transcribed data didn’t know aim of study. – Double blind technique.
Avoids demand characteristics as participants didn’t know aim.
High ecological validity - takes place in a natural setting.
Generalisability: There were a mixture of participants cultures.
Ethical issues: The ethics can be criticized. The participants were told that the study was on child development.
Low Validity: The parents were observed during the research and so they may have changed their behavior towards their child.
define Framework
A basic understanding of ideas & facts that’s used when making decisions.
define person praise
Someone praises the individual rather then what they’re doing.
define process praise
Someone praises what is being done, not the individual.
define Entity theory/motivational framework
A belief that behavior/ability results from a person’s nature.
define Incremental theory/motivational framework
A belief that effort drives behavior/ability, which can change.
define Ecological validity
The extent to which the findings still explain the behavior in real life.