Psychological Interveventions Flashcards
psychotherapy involves intervention in the context of a [ ]
professional relationship
focuses of psychotherapy
specific problems, coping, prevention of problems, increase capacity to take pleasure, achieve latent potential
definitions of psychotherapy
- remove, modify existing symptoms
- mediate disturbance and distress
- help accept and endure suffering
- make life adjustment happier and constructive
- the extent that the average person receiving the treatment in clinical trials is demonstrated to be significantly less dysfunctional than the average person not receiving any treatment
- place a premium on internal validity
- the extent that clients report clinically significant benefit from it.
- studies emphasize external validity and the representativeness of the treatment that is administered; can look more like “real-world” treatment
a broader category in that it includes treatments informed
by a number of sources, including scientific evidence about the intervention, clinical expertise, and patient needs and preferences.
evidence-based practice
refers to those interventions or techniques that have produced significant change in clients and patients in controlled trials.
evidence-based treatment
basis of EBP and EBT
efficacy studies
features common to many therapies
- relationship/therapeutic alliance
- expert role
- building competence/mastery
- nonspecific factors
the general ability of therapists to rise above their personal needs and to respond with professional skill in a nonjudgmental atmosphere of confidentiality, understanding, and warmth
relationship/therapeutic alliance
- patients have a right to expect that they are seeing not only a warm human being but a competent one as well.
- competence can only come from a long, arduous period of training.
- not necessarily an authoritarian one.
expert role
a goal of most therapies is to make the client a more competent and effective human being.
building competence
Call it faith, hope, or expectations for increased competence—successful therapy tends to be associated with such
non-specific factos
course of clinical intervention
initial contact
goals of treatment
implementing treatment
termination, evaluation, and follow-up
- they often do not know exactly what to expect.
- someone to explain generally what the clinic is all about and the kind of help that can be given.
initial contact
- a variety of procedures may be done
- for some clients, consultations with other professionals may be desirable.
- after all information has been compiled & analyzed, a preliminary integration is attempted.
- an ongoing process.
As soon as the assessment data are integrated, the therapist and client can begin to discuss more systematically the nature of the problems and what can be done about them.
goals of treatment
- initiated when the therapist begins to believe the client is able to handle his or her problems independently
- can be gradual, but sometimes happen suddenly, other times it is forced – always best to discuss with client.
scheduled months after termination—perhaps 6 months and then 1 year later—can be quite helpful.
booster sessions
course of clinical intervention
initial contact
goals of treatment
implementation of treatment
termination, evaluation, and follow up
- they often do not know exactly what to expect.
- someone to explain generally what the clinic is all
about and the kind of help that can be given.
initial contact
- a variety of procedures may be done
- for some clients, consultations with other professionals may be desirable.
- After all information has been compiled & analyzed, a preliminary integration is attempted.
- an ongoing process.
when assessment data is integrated, the therapist and client can begin to discuss more systematically the nature of the problems and what can be done about them.
goals of treatment
- initiated when the therapist begins to believe the client is able to handle his or her problems independently
- can be gradual, but sometimes happen suddenly, other times it is forced – always best to discuss with client.
scheduled months after termination—perhaps 6 months and then 1 year later—can be quite helpful.
booster sessions
stages of change
client has no intention of changing
client is aware that a problem exists but has not committed to try to make changes
client intends to make a change in the near future
clients are changing their maladaptive behaviors, emotions, and/or their environment
client works on preventing relapses and on furthering the gains
client has made necessary changes; relapse is no longer a threat
What kind of research would you conduct to test the efficacy or effectiveness of therapy? SOME POINTS TO CONSIDER:
sample, patient variables, outcome measures, general nature of study
the specific events that occur during therapy in the course of the interaction between therapist and patient.
process research